
    摘要:槲皮素、芦丁、原花青素等是果蔬中富含的多酚类化合物,具有很强的抗氧化能力。本论文通过对DPPH清除率、ABTs清除率和羟自由基清除率的测定,来研究槲皮素、芦丁、VC 、原花青素之间按比例两两复配抗氧化剂的协同作用。DPPH自由基清除能力的结果表明;槲皮素与VC按1:1比例复合、槲皮素与原花青素按1:1的比例复合的抗氧化剂协同作用较明显。ABTs自由基清除能力的结果表明,芦丁与槲皮素按2:1的比例复合、槲皮素与原花青素按1:1的比例复合的抗氧化剂协同作用较明显。羟基自由基清除能力的结果表明:芦丁与VC按1:4的比例复合、槲皮素与原花青素按2:1的比例复合的抗氧化剂协同作用较明显。经过对复配组合的抗氧化活性的研究,槲皮素与原花青素复配表现出的抗氧化活性均优于其他的复配组合,且槲皮素与原花青素以1:1复配的效果较佳。51111

    毕业论文关键字: 槲皮素;芦丁;VC;原花青素;复合

    Complex synergic effect of Polyphenolic compounds antioxidants

    Abstract:Quercetin, rutin and procyanidins are rich in phenolic compounds in fruits and vegetables, have a strong antioxidant capacity. this paper adopted DPPH scavenging rate, ABTs scavenging rate and hydroxyl scavenging rate to study the Quercetin, rutin, VC ,procyanidins,after by a certain percentage ratio of the synergy of multiple antioxidants, and selected the role of synergistic multiple antioxidants for optimal formulations. The results of DPPH scavenging ability showed that the synergy of the complex antioxidants( quercetin: VC = 1:1,quercetin: procyanidins = 1:1)was the most obvious.The results of ABTs scavenging ability showed that the synergy of the complex antioxidants(rutin: quercetin= 2:1,quercetin: procyanidins = 1:1)was the most obvious.The results of hydroxyl scavenging ability showed that the synergy of the complex antioxidants(rutin: VC = 1:4, quercetin: procyanidins = 2:1)was the most obvious.Through the study of compound with combination of antioxidant activity , quercetin is showed with procyanidins to antioxidant activity were superior to other distribution combination.and the effect of quercetin and procyanidins to 1:1 distribution is better.

    Key Words: quercetin;rutin;VC;procyanidins;compound


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 抗氧化剂概述 1

    1.2 芦丁 1

    1.2.1 芦丁概述 1

    1.2.2 芦丁的主要来源 2

    1.2.3 芦丁的作用和用途 2

    1.2.4 芦丁的抗氧化活性 2

    1.3 槲皮素 3

    1.3.1 槲皮素概述 3

    1.3.2 槲皮素的主要来源 3

    1.3.3  槲皮素的作用和用途 3

    1.3.4  槲皮素的抗氧化活性 4

    1.4 VC 4

    1.4.1   VC概述 4

    1.4.2 VC的主要来源 5

    1.4.3 VC的作用和用途 5

    1.4.4  VC的抗氧化活性 5

    1.5原花青素 5

    1.5.1原花青素的概述 5

    1.5.2 原花青素的主要来源 6

    1.5.3 原花青素的作用和用途 6

    1.5.4  原花青素的抗氧化活性

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