
    摘要从不同农贸市场采集正在售卖的新鲜猪肉样品共128份,利用MSRV、XLT4等选择性培养基从猪肉样品中分离出目的菌株,按照细菌形态、血清型等方法进行鉴定,进一步选用12种抗生素对已经分离并且鉴定的沙门氏菌进行抗生素敏感性实验。结果显示:沙门氏菌的总体分离率为41.4%。各时间段采集的猪肉样品中沙门氏菌的分离率基本稳定,不同采样批次的分离率都各不相同,但差异并不明显。血清学鉴定显示,德尔卑沙门氏菌(Salmonella Derby)为该地区新鲜猪肉中的优势菌种。抗生素敏感实验结果表明,分离出的各种沙门氏菌对四环素的综合耐药率最高,达到92.45%。其次是阿米卡星(71.7%)、复方新诺明(56.6%)、氨苄西林(49.06%)、氯霉素(26.42%)等。根据对该地区新鲜猪肉中沙门氏菌的分离与鉴定,以进一步了解徐州市售猪肉中沙门氏菌的污染状况,通过沙门氏菌耐药性的测试,以期为食源性沙门氏菌的有效防控提供一定的数据参考。50994


    毕业论文关键词:食源性沙门氏菌  新鲜猪肉  选择性培养  分离  鉴定

    Isolation and identification of Salmonella from pork in Xuzhou


    There are 128 experiment's samples of pork in this paper, which collected from difference farmer’s markets. The strains of Salmonella were isolated by selective media such as MSRV medium、XLT4 medium and so on ,and the bacteria were identified according to morphological and serotype . while the Salmonella which have been isolated were tested by 14 kinds of antibiotics for clearing these sensitivity. The results showed that: In this study, the overall rate of separation is 41.4%. The detection rates is stable in different pork samples collected at various times, The separation rates in different batch samples were different but not significant. Serotype shows, Derby Salmonella were the dominant species in the region. Antibiotic sensitivity test results suggest that the highest rates of resistance is tetracycline in all salmonella, reaching 92.45%. Followed by amikacin (71.7%), cotrimoxazole (56.6%), ampicillin (49.06%), chloramphenicol (26.42%) and so forth. On the basis of isolation and identification of Salmonella from fresh pork ,we can know more about the contamination situation of Salmonella in Xuzhou.The test of Salmonella resistance provides data reference for the prevention and control of food-borne Salmonella in some degree.

    Key words: Food-borne salmonella  Fresh meat  Selective culture  Isolation identification


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    符号说明 V

    引言 6

    1材料和方法 7

    1.1实验材料 7

    1.2试剂和仪器 7

    1.3方法 7

    2结果与分析 10

    2.1 沙门氏菌的分离与鉴定 10

    2.2沙门氏菌的血清型鉴定 11

    2.3沙门氏菌药敏实验结果 11

    3讨论 13

    参考文献 15

    致谢 17


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