


    Analysis and evaluation of mineral elements in fruit juice

    Abstract: Juice drinks rich nutrition, contain a variety of mineral elements, but the type and content of large difference. I mainly analysis and evaluation of the experiment, the content and distribution of mineral elements in selling fruit juice drinks, this research adopted the graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy has been determine the content of the 19 kinds of fruit juice, the determination of copper, iron, lead, zinc, selenium, cadmium content, and its security has carried on the preliminary evaluation. The experimental results showed that the copper, zinc, selenium content in fruit juice is very little, copper content to an average of 1.3462μg/L, cadmium content to an average of 24.5388μg/L, Lead content to an average of 107.3125μg/L, selenium content to an average of 161.4325μg/L, zinc content to an average of 10.7912μg/L, iron content to an average of 84.9684μg/L are in the range of security. This experiment resulted can provide reference for the choice of commercial fruit juice and drink.

    Key words: Fruit juice; atomic absorption spectroscopy; mineral elements; analysis


    1引言 1

    1.1 纯果汁的概述 1

    1.2 果汁的分类 1

        1.3 铜 2

        1.4 镉 2

        1.5 铅 2

        1.6 硒 3

        1.7 锌 3

        1.8 铁 3

    1.9 矿物质元素污染的来源 3

        1.9.1 矿物元素的分析方法 4

    1.10 本课题研究的目的与意义 5

    2 材料与方法 6

    2.1  实验材料 6

    2.2 实验仪器及设备: 6

    2.3 实验方法 6

        2.3.1 实验样品制备 6

        2.3.2 标准曲线的制作 6

        2.3.3 样品测定 6

        2.3.4 果汁中金属含量测试方法 6

    3 结果与分析 8

    3.1 果汁中铜元素的分析及评价 8

    3.2 果汁中镉元素的分析及评价 10

    3.3果汁中铅元素的分析及评价 12

    3.4 果汁中硒元素的分析及评价 14

    3.5 果汁中锌元素的分析及评价

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