    摘要:白桦脂酸,是五环三萜类化合物,可以选择性地杀死人体内黑色素瘤细胞而不杀伤健康细胞;白桦脂酸对HIV-1型感染有抑制作用,近期的研究表明白桦脂酸对脑瘤、神经外胚层瘤、白血病等恶性肿瘤细胞也有抑制作用。本课题是以白桦脂醇为原料,以重铬酸钾为主要氧化剂,将白桦脂醇氧化合成白桦脂酸。通过重铬酸钾制备的湿的氧化剂氧化白桦脂醇,经过充分反应,过滤,沉淀,结晶,得到较纯的白桦脂酸。在研究合成白桦脂酸的制备工艺中,通过控制合成白桦脂酸反应条件,如白桦脂醇用量,溶剂用量,反应时间等,观察哪些反应条件对合成的产率影响最大,从而得出合成白桦脂酸的最佳工艺。本课题研究表明,最优反应条件为:白桦脂醇3.4mmol,氧化剂10mmol,摩尔比为17:50,溶剂170mL,反应时间 2小时。在最优条件合成白桦脂酸时,能得到比较高的产量,产率最高为79.7%。37498
    Abstract Abstract:Betulinic acid, a pentacyclic triterpenoids, can selectively kill melanoma cells and not kill healthy cells in the human body;Betulinic acid has inhibitory effect to infection of HIV-1, recent studies have showed that betulinic acid also has inhibitory effects to brain tumors, neuroectodermal tumors, leukemia and other cancer cells.This study is based on birch fatty alcohol as raw materials, potassium dichromate as the main antioxidant, will oxidize birch fatty alcohol to birch fatty acid synthesis. Wet oxidant betulin prepared by potassium dichromate, after full reaction, filtration, sedimentation, crystallization, can obtain relatively pure betulinic acid. In the preparation of betulinic acid synthesis, by controlling the synthesis of betulinic acid reaction conditions, such as birch fatty alcohol dosage, solvent dosage, reaction time, and so on,we can get the optimum reaction condition on synthesis of betulinic acid by observing which has the greatest effect among the reaction conditions on the yield of the synthesis. The research showed that the optimal reaction conditions: betulin 3.4mmol, oxidant 10mmol, molar ratio of 17:50, solvents 170mL, reaction time 2 hours,when at this reaction condition, the synthesis of betulinic acid, can be relatively at high yield, the highest yield was 79.7%.
    Keywords:Betulin; Oxidant; Betulinic acid; Yield
    目    录
    1.国内外研究现状概述    1
    1.1 白桦脂酸的来源:    1
    1.1.1 .从植物中提取白桦脂酸    2
    1.1.2.半合成方法制备白桦脂酸    3
    1.1.3通过微生物发酵制备白桦脂酸    3
    2.项目研究的目的及意义    4
    3.材料与方法    5
    3.1 实验材料与设备    5
    3.2.合成方法    6
    方案一合成白桦脂酸    6
    方案二合成白桦脂酸    6
    3.3 薄层层析检查    7
    3.4 红外光谱仪测定    8
    3.5 合成产率的单因素实验    9
    (1)因素一  原料量——白桦脂醇对产率的影响    9
    (2)因素二  溶剂——丙酮对产率的影响    9
    (3)因素三  反应时间——搅拌时间对产率的影响    10
    3.6 反应条件优化    10
    4 结果与讨论    11
    4.1 对两个实验方案的初步讨论    11
    4.2 白桦脂醇用量对产率影响分析    13
    4.3 溶剂丙酮对产率影响分析    15
    4.4 反应时间对产率影响的分析    16
        4.5最优化实验    17
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