    摘要:本次实验研究探讨了硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL FP55)作为乳化剂在软冰激凌中的应用效果。实验中还使用了其他乳化剂,包括柠檬酸单甘酯(CITREM N12)、潘罗丹二乙酰酒石酸单甘油酯(DATEM 517)、乳酸单甘酯(LACTEM P22)、单硬脂酸甘油酯(PVP 300)和丙二醇脂肪酸酯(PGMS),实验是在所有原料冷溶的情况下通过乳脂直接加入实验和植脂喷粉加入实验两个方法来观察比较使用不同乳化剂种类制作出来的软冰激凌之间的差异,主要的考察项目为软冰激凌的感官、组织状态、口感、抗融性、膨胀率等方面。在乳脂直接加入实验中,硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL FP55)在打发性和creamy这一点上表现突出,添加了SSL FP55的冰激凌在吃口上相较其它的香气更浓郁、冰激凌停留在口腔内的感觉则是非常的香甜,松软细腻;在植脂喷粉加入实验中,硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL FP55)通过植脂末的形式加入到冰激凌中与直接加入相比,更能完全地体现出乳化剂该有的性能。22757
    The Application of Stearoyl Lactylate on Soft Ice Cream
    Abstract: Stearoyl lactylate (SSL FP55) as emulsifier used in soft ice cream has been investigated in this experiment. Other emulsifiers including citric acid monoglyceride (CITREM N12), diacetyl tartaric acid esters of monoglycerides (DATEM 517), lactic acid monoglycerides (LACTEM P22) , glyceryl stearate (PVP 300) and propylene glycol fatty acid esters (PGMS) were also utilized in the production of soft ice cream. All the raw materials of the experiment were dissolved in the cold water. Through directly adding milk fat and adding in the form of creamer, the soft ice creams adding different emulsifiers were observed and compared in many aspects. The sense, texture, taste, anti-melting resistance and expansion of soft ice cream were the main items of investigation. While directly adding milk fat, the ice cream containing stearoyl lactylate (SSL FP55) compared to others has more full-bodied aroma. And it was very sweet, soft and delicate when staying in the mouth; While adding in the form of creamer, it could reflect the function and characteristics of emulsifiers better.
    Key Words: soft ice cream; emulsifier; stearoyl lactylate; creamer; anti-melting resistance; expansion
    目 录
    1.引言    1
    1.1 软冰激凌的研究现状    1
    1.2 主要原料及其作用    2
    1.2.1水    2
    1.2.2糖类    2
    1.2.3脂肪    2
    1.2.4乳类    2
    1.2.5增稠剂    3
    1.3冰激凌粉生产工艺流程    3
    1.3.1混合配料    3
    1.3.2高温杀菌    3
    1.3.3均质    3
    1.3.4老化    4
    1.3.5蒸发浓缩    4
    1.3.6喷雾干燥    4
    1.4产品特性及质量指标    4
    1.4.1风    4
    1.4.2色泽    4
    1.4.3组织与形体状态    5
    1.4.4抗融性    5
    1.4.5膨胀率    5
    1.5乳化剂概述    5
    1.5.1 硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL)    6
    1.5.2 柠檬酸单甘脂(CITREM N12)    6
    1.5.3 潘罗丹二乙酰酒石酸单甘油酯(DATEM 517)    6
    1.5.4 乳酸单甘酯(LACTEM P22)    6
    1.5.5 单硬脂酸甘油酯(PVP 300)    7
    1.5.6 丙二醇脂肪酸酯(PGMS)    7
    1.6硬脂酰乳酸钠在食品工业中的应用    7
    1.7本课题的主要目的和意义    8
    1.8本课题的困难点    8
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