    毕业论文关键词:白芨  多糖  磷酸酯化 合成
     Phosphorylated modification of Bletilla Striata polysaccharide
    Abstract: Bletilla Striata belonging to the Orchidaceae which has been used in traditional Chinese medicine use for thousands of years. Bletilla Straita glucomannan is a kind of natural food excellent thickening agent,at the same time as biomedical materials safety of higher pharmaceutical raw materials, pharmaceutical excipients excellent performance and have considerable development prospects. Bletilla Striata  glucomannan derivatives for the daily chemical products, not only can replace chemical thickening agent, but also can reduce the stimulation of products on the skin, protect the skin, delay aging effect.The synthesis of Bletilla Straita glucomannan phosphatederivatives use two methods, methods of high efficiency and low temperature casting and sodium polyphosphate preparation method.These two methods the first step is the same, Bletilla Striata glucomannan by distillation, extraction, alcohol precipitation, centrifugal, drying, can reach about 20% yield;The second step is the preparation of Bletilla Straita glucomannan phosphate derivatives, efficient wet low temperature using urea as catalyst, compound phosphate with certain proportion, reaction of 5h 50 ℃, in order to complete the preparation of the products by law; adding a certain proportion of sodium polyphosphate system sodium dihydrogen phosphate and sodium hydrogen phosphate two, reaction condition, reaction pH=10, temperature 110 ℃,  reaction time is 2h.
    Key words:  Bletilla Striata   polysaccharide   phosphorylated   modification
    1 绪论    1
    1. 1国内外研究现状概述    1
    1.1.1白芨简介    1
    1.1.2 糖类的简介    1
    1.1.3 磷酸酯化多糖的活性作用与应用    3
    1.2本课题的研究目的    6
    2 实验部分    7
    2.1 实验思路    7
    2.2 使用的材料试剂、仪器设备    7
    2.2.1主要化学原料与试剂    7
    2.3白芨粗多糖的提取    8
    2.3.1实验步骤    8
    2.3.2实验注意事项    9
    2.4多聚磷酸钠法    9
    2.4.1实验步骤    9
    2.4.2实验注意事项    10
    2.5 磷酸酯化白芨多糖的高效湿法合成    10
    2.5.1 实验步骤    10
    2.5.2 实验注意事项    10
    2.6 测定产品中结合磷的含量    11
    2.6.1 测定磷酸根含量的溶液的配置    11
    2.6.2 标准曲线的绘制    11
    2.6.3 测定磷酸根含量的样品处理    12
    3 实验结果与讨论    13
    3.1 实验结果    13
    3.1.1 白芨粗多糖提取    13
    3.1.2 多聚磷酸钠法    14
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