    毕业论文关键字:花椒油;水蒸气蒸馏; GC-MS
    Optimization of efficient extraction process of Chinese prickly ash
    Abstract:The study summarized the chemical composition of Chinese prickly ash, introduced the distribution of resource and domestic and overseas study level to the plant. On this condition, studied the flavor composition Chinese prickly ash and optimized the processing technology of the traditional Chinese prickly ash Oil. Explore the process of attempting to improve processes, optimize the design, through the study of Chinese prickly ash flavor to understand the main flavor Chinese prickly ash, Chinese prickly ash oil for the development of standards to provide a little reference. On these bases, production process optimization design by Chinese prickly ash oil, to find the key factors affecting the Chinese prickly ash flavor extraction efficiency, improve production efficiency and resource utilization Chinese prickly ash oil, Chinese prickly ash oil while also improving the quality of products.
    In a study of Chinese prickly ash flavor ingredients, using steam distillation and organic solvent extraction method for extraction of Chinese prickly ash, and by GC /MS of extracts were isolated and identified. Using the above method to extract Chinese prickly ash flavor in the process, first the samples were crushed and dried, respectively, with the single factor experiment extraction conditions are selected sequentially comparing extraction solvent, sample particle size, solid-liquid ratio, extraction time, pre-soaking time impact on the Chinese prickly ash oil extraction efficiency.
    The organic solvent extraction method to determine ethanol, acetone, ether and three organic solvents, acetone is one of the best extraction solvent. During the experiment, obtained by steam distillation of the optimum conditions for these key factors: solid-liquid ratio (Chinese prickly ash powder: water) 1:30, pre-soak time of 72 hours, the particle size of 20 mesh, and thawing Chinese prickly ash oil extraction efficiency is the best in the freezer before. Finally, the results of the analysis GC / MS experiments showed that: Chinese prickly ash flavor substances are mainly: β-myrcene, limonene, β-ocimene, linalool, linalyl acetate, germacrene D, etc., and hemp taste substance is mainly Chinese prickly ash amides substances.
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