
    摘要:本文采用采样测定的方法,研究了上海市奉贤区传统黄桃园和陕西省眉县传统猕猴桃 园的土壤中土壤理化性质情况(包括碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质含量、颗粒大小、pH 值、土壤容重及孔隙度)。研究结果表明,不同地域之间,氮磷钾含量、pH 值大小之间相 差不大,在有机质含量、颗粒大小及容重和孔隙度大小方面有部分差异。通过显著性对比可 以发现,较上海奉贤相比,陕西地区果园土壤有机质含量较高,颗粒较小,土壤容重较小, 孔隙度大66320

    毕业论文关键词: 果园土壤、理化性质、差异性

    The research with the persity of pHysical and chemical properties in the traditional orchard

    Abstract:This paper adopts the method of sampling determination,I studied the soil of The soil and pHysicochemical properties of the traditional yellow peach orchard in Shanghai's fengxian district and the traditional kiwi fruit orchard in shaanxi    meixian

    county, (Including:Available Nitrogen、Available pHospHorus、Available Kalium、

    Organic content、Particle size、pH、Soil bulk density and porosity).The results of the study show that In today's traditional orchards,There is not much difference between the content of NPK, pH .but There are some differences in organic matter content, particle size and tolerance and porosity size.Compared to Shanghai fengxian,the soil organic matter content is higher, the grain is small, the soil is small and the porosity is large in shanxi meixian orchard.

    Keywords:Orchard soil、pHysicochemical property、difference

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 前言 1

    1.2 文献综述 2

    1.2.1 有机质 2

    (1)土壤有机质含量对果园及果树的影响 2

    (2)我国果园有机质含量现状统计 2

    (3)制约有机质含量的主要因素 2

    1.2.2 pH 值 3

    1.2.3 颗粒分析 4

    1.24 土壤容重及孔隙度 4

    1.2.5 水解性氮 4

    1.2.6 有效磷 5

    1.2.7 速效钾 6

    2. 材料与方法 7

    2.1 有机质含量测定 7

    2.1 pH 测定 8

    2.1 土壤颗粒分析 8

    2.1 土壤容重和孔隙度测定 9

    2.1 土壤碱解氮测定 9

    2.1 土壤有效磷测定 10

    2.1 土壤速效钾测定 11

    3. 结果与分析 12

    3.1 有机质含量 12

    3.2 pH 值 13

    3.3 颗粒分析 14

    3.4 土壤容重、孔隙度 16

    3.5 土壤碱解氮 16

    3.6 土壤有效磷 17

    3.7 土壤速效钾 18

    4. 结论与讨论 20

    5. 致谢 21

    6. 参考文献

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