    关键词  作业成本法  物流  成本管理  毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   The application of activity-based costing system   
    in logistics enterprise cost management
    With the change of the economic environment, logistics becomes the third source to get profits. The importance of logistics to the social development is increasingly concerned by more people; Logistics gradually becomes the hot spot of the business investment. The core issues of development is logistics enterprise cost management. How to cut "logistics tip" effect, continuously reduce cost, through the logistics cost of systematic management control, is the most fundamental task to the enterprise logistics management .Activity-based costing is an advanced cost accounting methods combined the calculation with the management of the cost. A new cost accounting method that designed to compensate for the defects of the traditional cost management and accounting, provide timely, accurate, relevant cost information. This topic mainly by the activity-based costing system as the study object, the logistics cost management of enterprises as the research background, based on the state of logistics cost accounting status and ABC, analyze the impact of activity-based costing in logistics enterprise cost management control process, put forward the inevitability and superiority of an enterprise to apply the activity-based costing system, and come up with the superiority of ABC by the case and put forward the significance of ABC in logistics enterprise cost management.
    Keywords  activity-based costing system  logistics  cost management
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  本文主要研究内容和研究方法    2
    国内外研究现状    4
    2.1  物流企业成本管理研究综述    4
    2.2  作业成本法研究综述    4
    2.3  作业成本法在物流企业成本管理中的运用研究综述    5
    3  我国物流企业及其成本管理现状分析    7
    3.1  物流概念及物流成本构成    7
    3.2  我国物流企业成本管理现状    7
    4  作业成本法的基本原理    12
    4.1  作业成本法的概念    12
    4.2  作业成本法与传统成本法的区别    13
    5 作业成本法在物流企业中的具体应用方法    15
    5.1  物流作业成本核算思路    15
    5.2  增设物流成本会计科目    16
    5.3  控制物流成本的具体措施    16
    6 作业成本法计算物流成本的案例分析    17
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