


    Problems and Countermeasures of profit manipulation of small and medium sized enterprises

    Abstract: In the accounting discipline, profit is regarded as the index of profitability, and it is also regarded as an index to evaluate manager's performance. Therefore, profit manipulation has become one of the difficulties in domestic and foreign market management. Accounting and management and other related professional journals can be observed, the study of corporate profit manipulation has become the focus of many scholars at home and abroad and hot spots. In recent years, various types of economic reports continue to expose domestic and foreign listed companies false disclosure of accounting information, so the community increasingly concerned about the accounting information distortion of listed companies in China, which is a very important reason is due to the larger size of listed companies The interest groups involved are very broad. China's small and medium enterprises accounted for more than 99% of the total number of registered enterprises in China, but because of their accounting information involved in the interests of the group is not very broad, so our research on the distortion of accounting information for SMEs has not been a lot. According to "Economic Daily" reported that in China more than 80% of Chinese enterprises accounting information there are different degrees of distortion, and small and medium enterprises accounting information is more serious distortion. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China, the proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises in China's industrial output value, profits and taxes, sales revenue and exports reached 60%, 40%, 57% and 60% respectively The Therefore, it is a very important practical problem to pay attention to the distortion of accounting information of small and medium-sized enterprises.

    Key words: small and medium - sized enterprises; profit manipulation; countermeasures


    一、绪论 .......1

    (一)研究的意义和目的 1

    1. 研究意义 .....1

    2. 研究目的 .1

    (二)国内外有关研究概述 .....2

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