毕业论文关键词 VBM 业绩评价 传统的企业业绩评价体系 EVA BSC
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Enterprise Performance Evaluation System--VBM Framework
Abstract With the continuous development of economic globalization, the deepening of the market economy and the gradual improvement of the modern financial system, value creation has become the goal which more and more modern enterprises pursue, and Value-Based Management (VBM) has got more and more attention from modern enterprise. The primary functions of the management creating value for shareholders and maximizing shareholder value is becoming uniform standards followed by the enterprise performance evaluation. As a result, the traditional profit-based enterprise performance evaluation system has obviously cannot meet the demand of the managers who want to manage the value scientifically and rationally. Building a framework of enterprise performance evaluation system based on the VBM has become a necessity of the development of the times. After analyzing the defects and deficiencies of traditional enterprise performance evaluation system, this paper studies the Modern Enterprise Performance Evaluation System. And combined with the EVA evaluation system, the DuPont financial analysis system, and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) evaluation methods, this paper attempts to establish a set of enterprise performance evaluation system based on the VBM framework.
Keywords VBM Performance Evaluation Traditional Enterprise Performance Evaluation System EVA BSC
1 绪论1
1.3 本文的研究思路与研究方法5
2 VBM及企业业绩评价的理论基础5
2.1 VBM的基本理论5
2.2企业业绩评价的基本理论 8
2.3 VBM与企业业绩评价之间的联系10
3 我国企业业绩评价体系的现状及其局限性10
3. 1 企业业绩评价体系的发展 10
3.3 建立基于VBM框架的企业业绩评价体系的必然性17
4 基于VBM框架的企业业绩评价体系的财务指标体系构建17
5 基于VBM框架的企业业绩评价体系的非财务指标体系及权重赋值22
5.1 建立基于VBM框架的企业业绩评价方法的非财务指标体系22
5.2 对财务指标以及非财务指标权重赋值的方法说明 28
结论 31