

    毕业论文关键字: 企业并购;海外并购;并购动机  

    Analyzes the motivation for merger and acquisition of enterprises——take the case of Unis annex and purchase  Spreadtrum

    Abstract:Along with the development of economic globalization and the policy, China's enterprises in overseas merger and acquisition also drift away in the roads. With overseas merger and acquisition boom, a lot of problems emerge. Many reasons for the failure of merger and acquisition is the enterprises concentrates too much on how to get more income in the process of overseas merger and acquisition, the right motivation analysis was often neglected by leaders. At the same time grasp the influence factors of merger and acquisition motivation analysis is also vital. By understanding the concept of merger and acquisition with  the kind of merger and acquisition motivation, by the case of analysis  of  Unis  annex  and  purchase  Spreadtrum, compare the situation of mergers and acquisitions in the years, master the case of financial index changes and analyze the influence factors of merger and acquisition motivation, and through mergers and acquisitions in the same industry comparative analysis, analyze the reasons for the success of the acquisition and the cause of the defects, and the event for other enterprises' mergers and acquisitions  provides the ideas and experiences in the future.

    Key words: merger and acquisition; overseas merger and  acquisition; motivation of  merger  and  acquisition

    目  录

    绪论 1

    一、企业并购基本概念 2

    (一)企业并购的概念 2

    (二)企业并购的分类 2

    (三)我国企业并购的变迁历史 2

    二、企业并购的研究现状、发展趋势和存在的问题 4

    (一)企业并购的研究现状 4

    (二)企业并购的发展趋势 4

    (三)企业并购存在的问题 5

    三、企业并购动机以及影响因素分析 6

    (一)企业并购动机分类 6

    1.企业并购前合理选择战略布局 6

    2.企业并购时尽量发挥协同效应 6

    3.企业并购时努力形成规模效益 6

    4.企业并购后极力提升管理效率 6

    (二)企业并购动机的影响因素分析 6


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