    毕业论文关键词: 债务重组,澳柯玛,财务状况,对策分析
    Analysis of the impact of debt restructuring on the financial situation of enterprises——
    AUCMA Limited Company as an example
    Abstract:With the development of market economy, some enterprises because of its internal poor management or influenced by the external environment factors, enterprise funds shortage situation, making it impossible to timely repayment of the debt, as many fall to into the financial crisis of the enterprise is to solve the debt disputes through debt restructuring. In this paper, after the restructuring of Qingdao aucma co., LTD., the basic financial conditions are analyzed, from the financial analysis of profitability analysis, liquidity analysis, operation ability, capital turnover efficiency and capital structure analysis, this paper analyzes the five aspects, think aucma after financial repeat a certain community back to life, debt restructuring is effective. Finally, the paper puts forward can draw lessons from the domestic and foreign advanced experience to perfect the debt restructuring of the enterprise financial control the effectiveness of the method, and improve the enterprise's financial situation basic train of thought, specific measures, improve enterprise's financial situation and aucma company's enterprise culture fusion of the countermeasure analysis in three aspects, which help debt restructuring after the company keep good financial situation.
    Key words:  Debt restructuring;  Aucma;  Finances;  Countermeasure analysis
    目  录
    引言    1
    一、企业债务重组概述    2
    (一) 债务重组的定义及内涵    2
    (二) 相关研究现状    2
    (三) 债务重组对企业财务状况的影响    3
    二、债务重组对企业财务状况的影响分析--以澳柯玛为例    4
    (一) 公司基本情况简介    4
    (二) 澳柯玛公司债务重组的历程    5
    (三) 澳柯玛债务重组前基本财务状况    5
    (四) 澳柯玛债务重组的特点    6
    三、澳柯玛债务重组财务状况变化    8
    (一) 盈利能力强化明显    8
    (二) 偿债能力改善适中    8
    (三) 营运能力无明显改善    8
    (四) 公司资本周转效率偏低    9
    (五) 资本结构得到优化    9
    (751) 澳柯玛公司债务重组案例分析小结    10
    四、改善债务重组后的企业财务状况的对策分析    12
    (一) 借鉴国外债务重组相关政策及经验    12
    (二) 改善澳柯玛股份公司财务状况的成本控制对策分析    12
    1、 改善企业财务状况的基本思路    13
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