    关键词  互联网企业  境外上市  财务绩效  凤凰新媒体  
    Title   Study on the financial performance of overseas listed Internet companies——The Phoenix New Media listed overseas as an example
    In recent years, a large number of Chinese Internet companies to go abroad, to the overseas securities market, triggering market boom, this phenomenon can not be ignored. Based on this phenomenon, choose the phoenix new media as a case study, Internet companies listed overseas after the financial performance, to analyze the impact of overseas listed Chinese Internet companies, put forward reasonable suggestions.
    The first chapter is the introduction part, mainly introduces the research background, research significance, and the related research; the second chapter is the main part, mainly includes the following parts: the first is the analysis of the motivation of domestic Internet companies listed overseas, the comparative analysis of domestic and overseas listed Internet companies have what similarities and differences in financial performance in the third chapter; phoenix new media as an example to analyze its overseas listing and financing situation, historical price performance and the costs of listing, then study the phoenix new media after the listing of profitability and growth ability index; the last chapter is the conclusions and suggestions, and at the end of this paper summarizes the deficiencies and defects of the article.
    Keywords  Internet companies   listed overseas   financial performance  The Phoenix New Media
    目   次  
    1 引言    1
    1.1 研究背景与意义    1
    1.2 研究方法    2
    2 文献综述    3
    2.1 国外相关研究    3
    2.2 国内相关研究    4
    3 互联网企业境外上市相关理论    6
    3.1 互联网企业境外上市的动因    6
    3.2 互联网企业境外上市的历程    7
    4 案例分析:凤凰新媒体境外上市财务绩效分析    9
    4.1 凤凰新媒体简介    9
    4.1.1 企业发展情况    9
    4.1.2 企业业务分析    9
    4.2 凤凰新媒体境外上市效应分析    10
    4.2.1 上市融资效果分析    10
    4.2.2 历史股价表现分析    10
    4.2.3 上市成本分析    11
    4.3 凤凰新媒体上市后盈利及成长能力分析    12
    4.3.1 盈利能力指标分析    12
    4.3.2 成长能力指标分析    13
    5 总结与建议    17
    5.1总结    17
    5.2建议    17
    结 束 语    19
    致  谢    20
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