关键词 营改增 服务业 试点 有利影响 弊端 措施 推广
Title A Study of the influence on the service industry
of the transform from business tax to VAT
Business tax with VAT is an important measure of our current tax system reform.Since 2012, the pilot made a good tax effects.Current business tax with VAT policy is being vigorously promoted.Important position occupied by the tertiary industry in the national economy increasingly prominent.Study how to make the new tax policies to better serve the service industry is an important task of the current economic development.From change based on the background of the birth of the camp, this paper studies the inevitability of tax reform, combining with the camp change since the pilot results, combining with the characteristics of the service companies, to increase the positive role in this camp.Of course, the business tax with VAT also exist many disadvantages.Since the pilot, a few enterprises have not been reducing taxes, and even some service enterprise tax burden.In addition, the tax administration and service industry on economic structure, change business tax with VAT also brings more or less problems.In this paper, starting from the negative influence of this policy, also put forward to further promote business tax paid VAT, and how to change in the business tax paid VAT for service industry have the most to gain from economic environment are analyzed and expounded.
Keywords: VAT business tax services measures influence
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景和意义1
1.2 研究现状综述2
2 营改增相关理论概述 5
2.1 营业税及其弊端 5
2.2 营改增政策 6
3 营改增试点状况研究 7
3.1 试点运营情况概述7
3.2 营改增试点企业案例分析——上港集团7
4 营改增对服务业的影响10
4.1 营改增的积极效果10
4.2 营改增存在的问题11
5 面对营改增的弊端应采取的措施12
5.1 完善营改增政策体系12
5.2 全面推广营改增政策12
5.3 建立完整增值税抵扣链条12
结论 14
致谢 15
1 绪论
- 上一篇:股权结构对公司治理的影响研究
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