    毕业论文关键词: 中小企业;财务管理;内部控制;财务风险
    Research on the financial management of medium-sized and small enterprises
    Abstract: Medium-sized and small enterprises are an important part of the national economy, with its unique mode of operation and flexible production methods for economic development and social stability plays a promoting role .  There are a considerable number of medium-sized and small enterprises in China ignores the core of financial management, management of rigid thinking behind the enterprise management  limited production and operation management structure, the role of corporate financial management has not been fully realized.
    This article mainly from the present situation of the financial management of small and medium-sized enterprises of our country, the modern financial management as the basis, through analysis, find out the financing difficulties, there are aspects of financial management of small and medium-sized enterprises rigid management model of financial control, investment capacity is weak, poor awareness of financial risk and other issues, and find out the reasons of the problems so as to explore the method of financial management for small and medium-sized enterprises its development, improve the financial management mechanism, improve the small and medium-sized enterprise management level. On this basis, discussed the development direction of the enterprise financial management under the new situation.
    Keywords: Medium-sized and small enterprise;financial management;internal control;financial risk
    目 录
    1、 财务管理的定义2
    2、 财务管理的特点2
       (三) 建立健全内部控制制度,加强财务控制8
    1、 完善制度建设、实施内部控制8
    2、 明确控制目标,优化内部控制环境9
    3、 加强内部监督9
    4、 努力提高资金的使用效率,使资金运用产生最佳的效果9
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