    毕业论文关键词:薪酬管理  薪酬战略  薪酬政策  薪酬制度   人力资源
    Research on improving the salary management of enterprise employees
    Abstract: Compensation management is the modern enterprise on the compensation strategy, compensation policy, compensation system efficiency determination, control and adjustment process, is an important function of enterprise human resources management. Whether for business or workers, pay is one of the most sensitive issues, at the same time, salary is also an integral part of modern enterprise competition and incentive method. Compensation management is not only the most important content of enterprise human resource management, and is an important part of the establishment of modern enterprise system. Enterprise compensation management flexibility or not, directly affect the production and operation of enterprises and other daily activities, and will affect the corporate development and strategy. Now, has been generally adopted the concept of comprehensive salary system in developed countries, that is not the compensation as the economic compensation of pure, more can not be regarded as a single wage. With the pay raise, non economic incentive of knowledge employee will be greater, out of a single compensation of the past, the internal compensation and extrinsic compensation combination, material incentive and spirit incentive pay equal attention to, to carry out a full range of incentive for employees to cope with globalization, talents competition challenge.
    Keywords:    Salary management; compensation strategy; pay policy; salary system ; human resources
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    一    绪论    1
        研究目的及意义    1
    二    薪酬管理理论概述    1
    (一)薪酬与薪酬管理的内涵    1
    (二)薪酬管理的作用    1
    (三)薪酬管理相关理论    3
    (四)薪酬设计及管理的步骤    3
    三    我国薪酬管理的发展过程    4
    (一)现代薪酬管理新发展    4
    1 以技能与业绩为基础的薪酬体系    5
    2    泛化的薪酬政策    5
    3    宽带薪酬制度    5
    (二)企业薪酬管理发展过程的启示    5
    1    企业应进一步丰富激励形式    6
    2    企业需要创新薪酬制度    6
    3    企业要完善团队薪酬管理制度    6
    4    企业要大胆尝试宽带薪酬制度    6
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