关键词 互联网金融 小微企业 信贷风险 评价体系
Title Credit Risk Assessment of small and micro enterprises Under Internet financial environment
As an important component of China's market economy,the problem of financing of small and micro enterprises is a long-standing bottleneck for its development. However, with the advent of Internet financial,credit business of Internet financial becomes a new way of credit. It expands the scope of the credit target, making lots of small and micro enterprises which can get Financing channels and get the appropriate funding. As a result, the problem of financing of small and micro enterprises will probably get mitigation in some extent, but it needs to establish a perfect social credit evaluation system.
In this paper, the arrival of Internet financial times and the credit risk of micro and small enterprises compose the two topics. On one hand, the paper introduces the finance features Under Internet financial environment
And the kind of the credit risk. One the other hand, the paper makes a study on the development of Internet financial model and the problem of financing of small and micro enterprises under the environment, hoping to break through this bottleneck. As thus, we can dig out the credit risk evaluation of small and micro enterprises and build a credit risk evaluation model. Finally, we can achieve the goal of reducing the credit risk of small and micro enterprises and credit difficulties.
Keywords Internet financial small and micro enterprises
Credit risk Evaluation System
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究内容 2
1.3研究方法 2
2 相关理论与文献回顾 4
2.1 小微企业的划分标准 4
2.2 小微企业的特点 4
2.3 小微企业的作用 4
2.4 小微企业的融资现状研究 5
2.5 文献回顾简要评述 7
3 小微企业信贷风险评价体系的构建 8
3.1 构建小微企业信贷风险评价体系的意义 8
3.2 小微企业信贷风险评价体系的设置原则 8
3.3 小微企业信用评价指标的选择 9
4 构建小微企业信贷风险评估研究的BP神经网络模型 19
4.1 BP神经网络的介绍 19
4.2 建立BP神经网络的具体步骤 20
4.3 BP网络的缺陷及改进 22
4.4 导入Matlab的BP神经网络的具体算法 23
结论 27
致谢 28
- 上一篇:我国公立非营利组织红十字的内部控制研究
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