关键词 非营利 内部控制 红十字会
Title research about internal control of nonprofit organization
The function of nonprofit organization in the development of our country economy is gradually broadly. It plays the familiar social service with the government. Differing from government, as a public group,it can be closer to society. By perfecting the management and the operating potency of nonprofit organization, it can play a better extent social utility of the organization. However,as the process of society is growing, more serious problems in the nonprofit organization appear frequently. These issues seriously menace the public trust of non-profit organizations in the society, it also led to the social questions to the institution of internal control framework of nonprofit organization.
Based on the theory of internal control used in enterprise, and combined with the traits of nonprofit organization, this paper will perfect the internal control system of non-profit organization. Because the influence of the Red Cross of our country is extensive in a very long time, by taking the case of the Chinese Red Cross as an example in this article, this paper reveals some typical defects of the internal control of nonprofit organization from five aspects. At the same time, we come up with relevant universal policies that will be useful to perfect the internal control of this kind of organizations.
Keywords nonprofit internal control the Red Cross
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容及方法 1
2 相关概述 4
2.1 公立非营利组织的涵义及特征 4
2.2 内部控制涵义及要素 4
3 中国红十字会概况 8
3.1 中国红十字会简介 8
3.2 中国红十字会发展过程 8
4 中国红十字会内部控制存在问题 11
4.1 从控制环境方面分析 11
4.2 从风险评估方面分析 11
4.3 从控制活动方面分析 12
4.4 从信息与沟通方面分析 13
4.5 从监督方面分析 14
5 红十字会内部控制存在问题的解决对策 16
5.1 建立起好的内部控制环境 16
5.1.1 工作人员的严格筛选和培训 16
5.1.2 建立有效的奖惩机制 16
5.1.3 完善相关的法律法规 17
5.2 建立有效的风险评估机制 17
5.3 设立良好的控制活动 17
- 上一篇:对本土连锁便利店的盈利模式研究
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