    关键词: 立式加工中心; 机床结构; 总体设计; 进给系统;
    With the development of science and technology, processing technology in the world's industrial range has improved significantly. Highly automated processing center in China as the representative of high value-added, high-profit machine is far behind the world machine tool counterparts. With China's sustained economic development, globalization of the machine tool industry, and encourage the Government to strengthen their own knowledge innovations, the timing of the investment and development machining centers and other high-end machine tools mature.
    The design is to design five-axis vertical machining center feed transmission parts. First of all, to understand the structure of the processing center, to determine the program. Secondly, the choice of ball screw, stepper motor and anti-backlash gear parts, to improve the transmission accuracy, reducing the purpose of processing errors. The design of the results can successfully achieve the requirements of the design tasks to complete the three directions X, Y, Z alone operation and running at the same time, improving the processing efficiency.
    Key words: Vertical Machining Center; machine structure; design;
     feeding system;
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    ABSTRACT    2
    目录    3
    绪  论    5
    1.1 课题背景和目的    5
    1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势    5
    1.2.1 我国加工中心的研究现状    5
    1.2.2进给系统的发展现状    6
    1.2.3加工中心的发展趋势    7
    2总体设计    8
    2.1总体设计方案的确定    8
    2.2床身设计    8
    2.3导轨设计    9
    3.进给系统设计    10
    3.1 Y轴(纵向)传动部分的设计    11
    3.1.1 切削力的计算    11
    3.1.2 滚珠丝杆的选择计算    12
    3.1.3 传动齿轮选择    15
    3.1.4 滚动轴承的选择    16
    3.1.5 伺服系统选择计算    17
    3.2 X轴(横向)传动部分的设计    22
    3.2.1 切削力的计算    22
    3.2.2 滚珠丝杆的选择计算    22
    3.2.3 传动齿轮选择    25
    3.2.4 滚动轴承的选择    26
    3.2.5 伺服系统选择计算    26
    总 结    30
    致 谢    31
    参考文献    32  
    第1章 绪  论
    1.1 课题背景和目的
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