
    摘要缓冲器是一种被广泛应用于各种机械系统中的安全保护装置,对于新设计出来的缓 冲器,须对缓冲器的缓冲特性、活塞复位能力等性能指标进行检测,从而保证缓冲器的 质量。缓冲器实验装置的作用就是为了检测缓冲器的性能指标,同时,实验得到的缓冲 器性能数据也可为缓冲器的优化设计提供帮助和参考。本毕业设计利用三维实体建模软 件 Pro/Engineer 对设计出来的缓冲器实验装置主体、配重、缓冲器连接件、导轨、限位块 及基座等零件进行建模、装配,并进行动态仿真,然后利用有限元软件 ABAQUS 对缓冲 器固定端连接件、限位块及基座进行静态特性分析,对运动部件进行冲击载荷的动态仿 真,计算出了在工作时各组件的应力分布情况并以此对设计方案中的相关零件进行强度 分析与校核,最终为缓冲器实验装置确定了一种可行的设计方案。70133

    毕业论文关键词 缓冲器 实验装置 三维建模 有限元分析

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Design  of Buffer  Experimental Device

    Abstract A buffer is a protective device widely used in mechanical systems. For a newly-designed buffer, it is necessary to test its performance indicators, such as buffering characteristics and piston reset capacity, in order to guarantee buffer’s quality. The purpose of a buffer testing device is to test the buffer’s performance indicators, and also, performance data from the test can provide help and reference for design optimization of a buffer. This project will, by means of 3D solid modeling software Pro/Engineer, carry out modeling and installation of the buffer experimental device’s main body, counterweight and buffer’s connectors, guide rail, limit block and base, and dynamic simulation will be carried out too. Then it will carry out static characteristic analysis of buffer’s connectors of fixed ends, limit blocks and base and also dynamic simulation of impact load of moving parts, calculate stress distribution of each component in working condition, based on which analysis and adjustment of strength of relevant parts in the design project will be done. Finally, a feasible design project for a buffer testing device will be determined.

    Keywords    buffer    experimental device    3D modeling    finite element analysis

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 缓冲器及实验装置的发展现状 1

    1.3 三维实体建模发展现状 1

    1.4 有限元法 2

    1.5 本课题的主要任务 2

    2 缓冲器实验装置设计 3

    2.1 缓冲器实验装置的设计思路 3

    2.2 求解冲击问题的近似算法 3

    2.3 总体设计方案 5


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