


    Development on on-line monitoring and measuring system in friction hoist brake system performance 

    Abstact Based on the existing characteristics of mine hoist at home and abroad, combined with the modern online testing technology, the research and development of an on-line monitoring system for the braking system of mine friction hoist is designed.This paper introduces the system composition, working principle, data acquisition scheme and data analysis. Finally put forward under the condition of emergency braking, does not change the head sheave of existing structures, machine of the friction wheel and the hoisting sheave line speed difference monitoring scheme of friction hoist.This design using a photoelectric pulse type displacement sensor, installed in the head sheave line and friction wheel connected balance cylinder piston at, the sheave wheel will not change the structure, composition structure of the sensor is optimized, then data acquisition and the were analysis.The monitoring system can be predicted and resolved in a timely manner in the event of a failure or malfunction, which greatly improves the operation safety of the friction hoist.


    Key words:Friction hoist; Braking system; Sensor; Data collection and analysis 


    目录 1

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 摩擦式矿山提升机制动系统性能在线监测系统的用途及其重要性 1

    1.2 国内外矿山提升机制动系统性能监测系统方面的研究现状 1

    第2章 摩擦式提升机制动系统性能在线监测系统的介绍 21

    2.1摩擦式提升机制动系统性能在线监测系统的工作原理及其主要组成 3

    2.2 摩擦式提升机制动系统性能在线监测系统的主要功能 5

    2.3 提升机制动系统性能在线监测系统的基本参数要求 5

    2.4 编制摩擦式提升机制动系统性能在线监测方案 7

    第3章 系统硬件的组成和数据采集方案 21

    3.1摩擦式提升机制动系统性能在线监测系统的硬件组成 11

    3.2传感器的选择与安装 11

    3.3 参数数据的采集方案 13

    第4章 系统的软件设计 16

    4.1 系统图示模块 17

    4.2 系统演示模块 17

    4.3 系统测试模块 18

    4.4 查询与打印模块 20

    第5章 在线监测系统的数据处理

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