     A Reverse Auction Based Allocation Mechanism in the Cloud Computing Environment
    Abstract: Cloud computing is a service model which distribution according to need,These resources can be quickly provided,and Simply put minimal management effort or resource suppliers with very little interaction.However, most companies of cloud resources using is the resource allocation model for a fixed rate, In this model, the resource load lower waste of resources is more serious, and when the resource load is heavy, some services request of consumers can not respond.So, how to achieve a rational allocation of cloud resources to meet the needs of thousands of customers, allocation of research resources has become a hot moment of cloud computing.
          This paper describes the characteristics of cloud computing technology, architecture and typical application platform first. Then it presents an auction based resource allocation model for cloud computing. This model provides initialization pricing method and resource allocation strategy which can improve the utilization of resources and achieve a reasonable distribution of it. Finally, the reverse auction resource allocation strategy is simulated by cloudsim platform. The experimental results show that the reverse auction mechanism is feasible.
    Keywords:    Cloud computing, resource allocation, auction, reverse auction.
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    4
    1. 绪论    6
    1.1. 课题的目的与意义    6
    1.2. 研究现状    6
    1.2.1. 国内研究现状    6
    1.2.2. 国外研究现状    7
    1.3. 发展前景    7
    2. 云计算    9
    2.1. 云计算技术    9
    2.1.1. 云计算概述    9
    2.1.2. 云计算发展史    10
    2.1.3. 云计算的发展历程    11
    2.2. 云计算的特征    11
    2.3. “云资源”的分类    12
    2.4. 云资源的应用平台    13
    2.4.1. Google 的云计算平台    13
    2.4.2. IBM“蓝云”云计算平台    13
    2.4.3. Amazon的弹性计算云    14
    2.5. 云计算服务模式    15
    2.6. 云计算一般体系结构    16
    2.7. 典型云资源应用领域    17
    3. 基于拍卖的云计算资源分配研究    19
    3.1. 拍卖概述    19
    3.2. 拍卖方式    19
    3.3. 拍卖特点    20
    3.4. 云计算资源分配研究    20
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