

    毕业论文关键词  榴弹发射器  架座  设计   强度校核


    Title                   Abstract                                  


    This article first briefly describes the performance and USES of grenade launcher, then describes detaily  the purpose and significance of the grenade launcher that  will be applied to  vehicle platform,and some problems  need to be solved. And then a introduced in detail some vehicle-mounted weapons  types which at home and abroad .The last detailed discussion of this topic to be designed mountings design process. Its main including mountings overall design, the level of machine program specifically designed steering scheme specific design, accessories design and mountings overall layout. These are the core of the design finalized, followed by analysis and calculation, and then continue with key parts of the parts of the strength check, and finally the three-dimensional solid modeling and drawing two-dimensional drawings. End of this article is to summarize this design, as well as thanks  and references. 

    Keywords  Grenade Launcher  Frame stand   Design  The strength check  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外发展现状 1

    1.3  课题内容及任务简介 3

    2  总体方案设计 3

    2.1  高低机方案 5

    2.2  方向机方案 5

    2.3附件方案 6

    3  高低机方案具体设计 6

    3.1  电机的选型 6

    3.2  高低机减速器的设计 8

    4  方向机方案具体设计 18

    4.1  电机的选型 18

    4.2  方向机减速器设计 18

    5  附件设计 20

    5.1  缓冲器设计 20

    5.2  观瞄机构设计 25

    5.3  供弹机构设计 26

    6  架座总体布局 26

    结论 27

    致  谢 28

    参考文献 29

    1  引言  

    1.1  课题的背景和意义


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