
    摘要枪榴弹是一种近战面杀伤武器,因其特殊的发射环境,枪榴弹引信设计时需要考虑冗余保险、延期解除保险、自毁功能、大着角发火等问题。为了使设计出的枪榴弹引信零件满足互换性要求,从而降低加工精度要求和生产成本,在设计中一般采用极值解法对枪榴弹引信所涉及到的尺寸链进行计算。本课题所计算的尺寸链包括零件尺寸链、部件尺寸链和总体尺寸链,共计154个。通过对所计算的尺寸链进行分析可知,该引信具有延期解除保险、大着角发火和自毁功能,可靠性有保证,符合GJB 373A—1997《引信安全设计准则》的相关要求,具有工程设计价值。

    毕业论文关键字  机械引信  尺寸链计算  精度分析   60974


    Title   Calculation of dimension chain of a rifle grenade fuze                      


    Rifle Grenade is a short-range surface destruction weapon ,because of its special launching environments ,the problems such as redundant insurance、delaying arming 、self-destruction function、functioning at high impact angle should be taken into consideration when designing the rifle grenade fuze. In order to make the designed element of rifle grenade fuze meet the interchangeability requirements, so as to reduce the requirements of machining accuracy and the cost of production, the dimension chain concerned with the rifle grenade fuze should be calculated according to the extreme value method when designing. Elements dimension chain、parts dimension chain and overall dimension chain are included in the dimension chains calculated in this subject,154 in total. The analysis of the dimension chains indicate that this fuze has the function of arming delaying、functioning at high impact angle and self-destruction, ensures the reliability, conforms to the relevant requirements of GJB 373A—1997 《The Safety Criteria For Fuze Design 》,is valuable for engineering design..

    Keywords   Mechanical fuze   Calculation of dimension chain   Accuracy analysis

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景和意义 1

    1.2  引信概述 1

    1.2.1  引信的功能作用和基本构成 1

    1.2.2  引信的要求 2

    1.3  枪榴弹简介 2

    1.4  枪榴弹引信简介 3

    2  枪榴弹引信主要机构和作用原理 5

    2.1  引言 5

    2.2  主要机构 5

    2.2.1  发火机构 5

    2.2.2  保险机构 5

    2.2.3  延期机构 5

    2.2.4  隔爆机构 6

    2.2.5  自毁机构 6

    2.2  作用原理 6

    3  尺寸链计算方法简介 7

    3.1  极值解法 7

    3.2  概率解法 8

    3.3  蒙特卡洛法解尺寸链 10

    4  尺寸链计算结果 12

    结  论 25

    致  谢

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