
    1) Prepare the MREs with properties desired by haptic applications; study the material and ratio of the components of such kind of MREs; design the additional magnetic structure applied during the preparation.

    2) Derive the resistance characteristics of MREs; measure the resistance under laboratory conditions and compare the results with the theoretical ones.

    3) Derive the formulae of the distribution of magnetic fields generated by single solenoid; compare the results with stimulation results and data measured under laboratory conditions.

    4) Design tactile sensor and actuator models by using the special properties of MREs; use results of stimulation and calculations to verify the feasibility of the models; make concrete models of the designs.

    Finally, summarize the work of this paper and propose recommendation for further reseach.

    Keywords: magnetorheological elastomer  tactile sensing and feedback technology  assessment of resistance characteristics  experimental preparation  structure optimization

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 3

    1.3 研究意义及研究综述 4

    1.4 论文结构及工作时间安排 4

    2 触觉技术简述 6

    2.1 触觉传感及触觉反馈技术 6

    2.2 一种采用MRF的小型磁流变传感作动器简介 8

    2.3 一种采用MRE的小型磁流变作动器简介 11

    2.4 本设计中亟待解决的问题 13

    3 用于触觉技术的MRE材料制备 15

    3.1 各组分材料选择 15

    3.1.1 导磁材料 15

    3.1.2 弹性基体 16

    3.1.3 添加剂 17

    3.2 各向异性MRE制备磁路设计 18

    3.2.1 线圈加磁磁路分析 19

    3.2.2 永磁体加磁磁路分析 21

    3.2.3 加磁方案选择及总结 23

    3.3 制备实验过程 24

    4 MRE阻值特性研究 27

    4.1 MRE电阻理论模型推导 27

    4.1.1 隧道效应及隧道电流理论 27

    4.1.2 代表单元体模型建立 28

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