


    毕业论文关键词  落锤压力标定装置  准动态标定  加速度传感器  压力传感器  曲线拟合


    Title     The research of Drop-hammer’s Pressure calibration       technology based on measuring acceleration transducers                                   Abstract

    Drop-hammer pressure calibration system is a normal equipment for pressure measuring transducers and measuring systems processing Quasi-dynamic (or Quasi-static) calibration. The work is trying to build the acceleration - pressure peaks model, which can calculate calibrated pressure peaks of Drop-hammer pressure calibration system with acceleration transducer measured acceleration peaks, to make it convenient to process Quasi-dynamic (or Quasi-static) calibration.

    In this paper,structural principles of Drop-hammer pressure calibration system is analyzed firstly; Second, overall program of building acceleration-pressure peaks model is designed and a decision is made that which transducers are appropriate; Then,  a group of experimental data including acceleration and pressure peaks is obtained; Next, the group of experimental data is pre-processed by the method of Least Squares Curve Fitting and acceleration-pressure peaks function(model) can be built; Finally, based on data processing, the result of acceleration-pressure peaks model identification get a elementary evaluation.

    Keywords  Drop-hammer pressure calibration system, Quasi-dynamic calibration,   acceleration transducer,pressure-measuring transducers,curve fitting

     目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  落锤压力标定技术研究的目的与意义 1

    1.2  压力标定技术的国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本论文的主要工作 3

    1.4  本章小结 3

    2  落锤压力标定装置压力—加速度关系的理论分析 4

    2.1落锤压力标定装置的结构分析 4

    2.2 压力—加速度峰值的理论模型 5

    2.3本章小结 7

    3  压力-加速度峰值模型辨识实验设计 8

    3.1 总体方案设计 8

    3.2 加速度监测传感器的选择 9

    3.3 标准压力传感器的选择 10

    3.4 本章小结 10

    4  压力-加速度峰值模型辨识

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