


    毕业论文关键词有限元分析  火炮大架  优化设计  刚度  强度 


    Title Optimization Design of the Large Caliber Artillery Trail


    Stiffness and strength of the artillery trail is not easy to guarantee because of great recoil force and the long trail. The structure and load characteristics of the artillery trail are analyzed, and a finite element model of the original artillery is established using software HyperMesh. The model of the whole gun is assembled by the finite element model of recoiling parts, cradle, top carriage, under carriage and soil. The model is imported into the software ABAQUS to simulate the stiffness and strength in static state, and simulate the transient dynamics. The displacement contours, stress contours and the dynamic response curve of the trail and other components are obtained. Then the weakness of the original trail is found.

    Three schemes as changing the opening angle of artillery trail, adding the stiffeners and auxiliary support are used to optimized the original artillery trail. The better design scheme is found by calculating the influence of different schemes to the stiffness of trail and the vibration of muzzle. Compared with the original scheme, the maximum stress and maximum displacement of the artillery trail and the maximum displacement of the cradle are effectively decreased in static analysis, and the vibration of muzzle is decreased in dynamic analysis. The stiffness and intensity of trail are effectively enhanced. The method can provide theoretical reference to design of the gun trail.

    Keywords finite element analysis  artillery trail  optimization design  stiffness  strength

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  本文的选题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2  有限元法 1

    1.2.1  有限元法概况 1

    1.2.2  有限元法的国内外发展状况 2

    1.2.3  有限元软件的选择 3

    1.3  火炮大架 3

    1.3.1  火炮大架的研究现状 3

    1.3.2  大架的工作原理 4

    1.4  本文主要内容 5

    2  原火炮大架有限元建模及分析 6

    2.1  火炮大架模型的几何清理

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