

    毕业论文关键词  膛压  身管变形  压电传感器  光纤光栅


    Title       Chamber pressure and Barrel distortion test              

    Abstract In the initial trajectory of the research process, artillery bore pressure and barrel distortion is very important to the experimental data. Firstly, several commonly used methods for measuring chamber pressure compared to the data signal frequency response, frequency, amplitude characteristics of the correlation analysis and selection of the piezoelectric method to measure pressure in chamber; the two methods of barrel distortion compared selection, using fiber grating strain gauge measuring barrel distortion, and set up the instrument based on PXI bus test system to obtain relevant bore pressure and barrel distortion data. Demonstrated the feasibility and rationality of the test method and the experimental system may produce error analysis.

    Key words:    Chamber pressure   Barrel distortion  Piezoelectric sensors  FBG

    1 绪论 1

    1.1课题背景及选题意义 1

    1.2研究内容 1

    1.3 膛压测试方法的比较 2

    1.3.1铜柱(铜球)测压法 2

    1.3.2压电测压法: 3

    1.4 膛压测试方案的讨论 6

    2 信号分析及膛压测试系统设计 7

    2.1信号分析 7

    2.2测试系统工作环境和要求 10

    2.3 压电传感器的选择 11

    2.4 电荷放大器 12

    2.5 数据采集系统 12

    2.6 主机箱和控制器 13

    2.6 膛压测试系统示意图 14

    3 身管变形测试系统的设计 14

    3.1电阻应变片法 16

    3.1.1应变片粘贴工艺: 18

    3.1.2 应变片的粘贴步骤 19

    3.1.3 电阻应变仪 19

    3.1.4 数据采集卡 20

    3.1.5 测试系统组成 20

    3.2 光纤光栅应变片法 21

    3.2.1 光纤光栅应变原理 21

    3.2.2 光纤光栅传感器的选择 23

    3.3.3 光源 25

    3.3.4 波长解调仪 26

    3.3.5 光栅测试系统组成 27

    4 总结 28

    4.1 结论 28

    4.2 不足

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