

    毕业论文关键词: 疲劳破坏  夹具  力学分析  有限元分析


    Title    The special fixture design for Locking piece of   The impact fatigue test device                                     


    The special fixture for Locking piece of  shock vibration test-bed taked  as the main research object,  domestic and intemational research status of shock vibration test fixture and trend of its develoPment were introduced in this paper ,and give a  realie of the application of fixture design standard ,design steps and some problems needing attention.According to the locking piece shape characteristic and test requirement, a set of fixture model of  Locking piece be designed  preliminary by computer aided design , then setuped the characteristics of the fixture and using Solidworks finite element analysis software calculation the stress and strain of the fixture model.According to the calculation results ,the strength and stiffness of fixture parts,and determine the final design scheme of the Locking piece was determined.

    Keywords:fatigue breakage ,fixture ,dynamic characteristic , Finite Element Analysis 


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 专用夹具设计的目的 1

    1.2 国内外设计现状与发展趋势 2

    1.2.1 国内夹具发展史与现状 2

    1.2.2 国外夹具发展史与现状 2

    1.2.3 国内外夹具设计发展趋势 3

    1.3 夹具设计要求与原则 5

    1.3.1 夹具设计要求 5

    1.3.2 夹具设计的原则 5

    2 夹具设计总体方案 7

    2.1 夹具底座的确定 7

    2.2 盖板选择 9

    2.3 选择一种螺纹防松方式 10

    2.3.1螺纹防松方式 10

    2.3.2螺栓外径选择 11

    2.4 选择材料 11

    2.5 夹具重量 12

    2.6闭锁片的装夹卸载步骤 13

    3 夹具力学分析 15

    3.1 理论受力分析 15

    3.1.1 闭锁片受力点之间关系 15

    3.1.2 有限元分析法简单介绍 15

    3.2  盖板的有限元分析 16

    3.2.1 模型信息与夹具材料属性 17

    3.2.2 载荷、夹具和网格信息 17


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