




    关键词  双初速自动机  弹匣  输弹  棱柱螺旋弹簧  扣弹齿


    Title     Design of special magazine for double velocity  automata                       

    Abstract The special magazine of the double velocity automata is used to realize the two kinds of projectile ammunition handling and to ensure that emission process is safe and reliable. Double velocity automaton is through the use of different magazine, and changes the position of magazine button, which changes the position of the resistance iron that connected with the magazine buckle by elastic transformation, implement two movement of the bolt. When using non-lethal magazines, the big bolt is blocked by resistance iron, the small bolt move; when using lethal magazines, the big bolt and the small bolt move synchronously.

    Some designs and researches have been done in this paper about the double velocity automata special magazine. And this includes magazine design, follower design, magazine spring design, spring timeliness calculation and feeder design. The magazine can realize two projectiles of the velocity automata pairs to be fed, and ensure the launch process is safe.

    The double velocity automata special magazine research is basined on the analysis of working mechanism of double velocity automata, then propose the overall scheme of the magazine, and do related calculation and structural design.

    Many aspects calculation have been done in this article to get the concrete data of the double velocity automaton magazine, and then is the 3D diagram of every part and the overall assembly drawings.

    Keywords  Double velocity automata; Magazine; Input bullet;    Prismatic spiral spring; Buckle bullet tine.

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景、目的及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 3

    1.3  本文研究内容 4

    2  弹匣设计 5

    2.1  弹匣形状设计 5

    2.2  弹匣结构设计 6

    2.3  本章小结 9

    3  输弹机构设计 11

    3.1  托弹板设计 11

    3.2  托弹簧设计 12

    3.3  弹匣供弹及时性计算 24

    3.4  本章小结 26

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