    本文研究了在电磁轨道炮发射环境下的引信的电磁屏蔽问题。电磁轨道炮发射过程中产生低频强磁场,利用 COMSOL Multiphysics 仿真软件对其进行研究。本文第一部分主要研究了电磁屏蔽的基本理论以及屏蔽技术的发展等;第二部分主要介绍电磁轨道炮,分析其工作原理和磁场分布,得到双指数电流函数,并利用MATLAB软件分析其特性;第二部分主要介绍被动屏蔽,包括被动屏蔽采用的材料和屏蔽层数概念,并研究了传输线理论在电磁场中的应用,以及对于电磁屏蔽效果的评价体系;第四部分主要是建立仿真模型,研究频域场和静态场,利用双指数磁场模拟轨道炮磁场环境,并展示仿真的结果和得到的结论;最后,对于研究进行总结与评价。   59538
    毕业论文关键字  电磁屏蔽,电磁轨道炮,被动屏蔽,双指数磁场,  COMSOL  Multiphysics
    Title    Research on Damages Suffered by Fuzes and Shielding                         
    Effectiveness in High Magnetic Field                           
    Abstract This paper researches the electromagnetic shielding of fuzes under the launching environment of the electromagnetic railgun. The shielding of low-frequency and high-intensity  electromagnetic  waves  emerged during the railgun operation are studied by the  COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software.In a first phase, this paper mainly studies the basic theory of electromagnetic shielding, including  the  development  of  shielding technology;In a second phase, the electromagnetic railgun is introduced and  its working principle and  the magnetic field distribution  are analysed.As a  consequence,the current  is  approximated by a  double- exponential function which will be analysed by the MATLAB software;In a third phase, shielding mechanism and the passive shielding including the shielding material  and the shielding layers are  summarized by the paper.What’s more,  application of the transmission line theory in the electromagnetic field  and the electromagnetic  shielding effectiveness  are discussed in the third part.In a fourth phase, the simulation models are established.And the paper mainly analyses shielding in the frequency domain,magnetostatic domain and the case of a double- exponential-shaped magnetic field in the time domain.  The results will be revealed.Finally,some remarks and conclusions are made.   
    Keywords  Electromagnetic shielding,Electromagnetic railgun,  Passive shielding, Double- exponential-shaped magnetic field, COMSOL Multiphysics

    目   次  

    1 引言  1 

    1.1 研究内容及目的  1 

    1.2 电磁场理论的建立  1 

    1.3 电磁屏蔽概念  4 

    1.4 电磁屏蔽技术的发展  4 

    2 电磁轨道炮原理及环境分析  5 

    2.1 电磁轨道炮简介及发展  5 

    2.1.1 国内外发展现状  7 

    2.2 电磁轨道炮工作原理  9 

    2.3 电磁轨道炮磁场分析.  10 

    2.3.1 脉冲电流.  12 

    2.3.2 双指数电流频域分析.  15 

    3 强磁场屏蔽.  16 

    3.1 基本的屏蔽机理.  16 

    3.2 主动屏蔽.  16 

    3.2 被动屏蔽.  17 

    3.2.1屏蔽原理  .  17 

    3.3 屏蔽材料.  19 

    3.3.1 铁电材料.  20 

    3.3.2 导电性材料和铁磁性材料.  20 

    3.3.3 薄膜和导电涂料.  22 

    3.3.4 其他材料.  23 

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