    关键词   质量流量计;制冷压缩机;性能测试;压缩冷凝机组
    Title  Refrigerant liquid flow meter method compressor performance test-bed system and equipment design                                
    At present,the refrigeration compressor is the core and the most important of the refrigeration system.Capacity and characteristics compressor determine the refrigeration system.In a word,the design and matching of refrigeration system reflects the compressor capacity. As the background to carry out the calculations. Compressor performance test-bed system and equipment have studied. Flow the Performance testing of refrigeration compressors, Volumetric compression condensing units performance test methods has introduced. Selection of the refrigerant liquid flow meter method, Give the model selection to condenser, evaporator and mass flow meters. In addition, design calculations on the evaporator and condenser edits Carefully. Draw the design drawings of the refrigerant liquid flow meter method and evaporator.
    Keywords  Traveling propellant    Interior ballistic model     Ignition delay     Numerical simulation
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及意义    1
    1.2  制冷压缩机测试的发展    2
    1.3  本课题研究目标    4
    1.4  本课题研究内容    4
    2  容积式压缩冷凝机组性能测试台设计    5
    2.1  机组性能测试方法    5
    2.2  容积式压缩冷凝机组性能测试台参数设计    9
    2.3  被测机组性能测试试验台系统设计    12
    2.4  本章小结    16
    3  蒸发器设计计算    17
    3.1  冷却水流量计算    18
    3.2  蒸发器结构的初步规划    20
    3.3  工艺结构尺寸设计与初步计算    21
    3.4  蒸发器工艺结构精确计算    24
    3.5  本章小结    26
    4  冷凝器的设计计算    26
    4.1  热负荷及冷却水流量计算    26
    4.2  冷凝器结构的初步规划    28
    4.3  工艺结构尺寸设计与计算    28
    4.4  冷凝器工艺结构精确计算    31
    4.5  本章小结    31
    结  论    32
    致  谢    33
    参考文献    34
    1 绪论
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