
    摘要本次设计是使用NAPA软件 完成6500t沿海货船的总体设计,在设计过程中,《国内航行海船法定检验技术规则》、船舶原理、船舶设计原理等是主要参考依据。本次课题主要包含船舶主尺度的确定,依据母型船形状和新船主尺度使用NAPA建立船舶模型,进而进行舱室划分与定义,完成静水力计算、完整稳性计算、干舷计算以及吨位计算,最后完成型线图与总布置图的绘制。其中第一步也是为以后的内容奠定基础的主尺度确定,主要根据母型改造法得到,稳性、吨位以及干舷的计算则需要满足规范的要求,并根据规范的要求进行计算。静水力计算与型线图的绘制则可直接由NAPA软件得到并导出,总布置则需要参考母型船的布置格局,并根据设计船的实际尺度综合考虑调整得出。最终得出的静水力、完整稳性、干舷和吨位的计算均满足《规则》的要求。58712


    Abstract This project is the use of NAPA software to complete the general design of a 6500t coastal bulk carrier.During this project,the domestic sailing ships statutory inspection technology rules,the ship theory and the ship design principle are main reference basis. This project mainly includes the determination of principal dimensions of the ship, according to the shape and new vessels with the ship owners scale using NAPA to establish a model of the ship,and then complete the cabin pides and definition, hydrostatics calculation, intact stability calculation, freeboard and weight calculation, finally complete the drawing lines and general arrangement drawing. Principal dimensions is mainly according to the type transformation method, stability, tonnage and freeboard calculations are need to satisfy the requirements of specification, and the result of a calculation is made according to the requirement of the specification. hydrostatics calculation and model diagram drawing can be obtained directly by the NAPA software and export, general arrangement, need to refer the layout pattern of vessels, and according to the actual design of ship scale comprehensive consideration adjustment. Finally it is concluded that the hydrostatic, intact stability, freeboard and tonnage calculation can satisfy the requirements of "the rules".

    Keyword:NAPA、coastal bulk carrier、general design

     目    录

    第一章 绪论-1

    1.1 引言--1

    1.1.1 散货船发展历史及趋势1

    1.1.2 散货船的特点--1

    1.2 NAPA软件简介--2

    1.3 本课题的主要意义与主要工作-2

    1.3.1 选题的意义-2

    1.3.2 本课题主要工作3

    第二章 船舶尺度确定4

    2.1 确定主尺度时主要考虑的因素-4

    2.1.1 船长L--4

    2.1.2 型宽B--4

    2.1.3 型深D--4

    2.1.4 吃水d--4

    2.1.5 方形系数Cb-5

    2.2 主尺度的选择5

    2.2.1 初估排水量-5

    2.2.2 确定载货量DW货6

    2.2.3 初步选择主要要素-7

    2.3 排水量校核--8

    2.4 舱容校核-9

    2.5 设计船所需主机功率及航速的估算--10


    2.6.1 初稳性高度11

    2.6.2 横摇周期--11

    2.7 主要要素总结--12

    第三章 利用NAPA的船体型线建模13

    3.1 型线设计建模--13

    3.2 船舶艏部HULLF建模--14

    3.2.1 初步生成艏部线型14

    3.2.2 定义基本轮廓型线16

    3.2.3 定义站号线和水线17

    3.2.4 生成纵剖线18

    3.3 船舶艉部HULLA建模--19

    3.4 船舶舯部HULLM建模--21

    3.5 生成整船体HULL--21

    3.6 型线光顺22



    4.1 定义甲板与生成密闭船体STABHULL-24

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