



    Abstract Since the seventy or eighty's of last century,bulk carrier has been developing rapidly, now the bulk fleet has reached the scale of 450 million dead weight tons. Although in recent years, the international shipping market is going downturn, the bulk cargo trade is still more than 8% years of growth, the market is rising because of the background, the bulk of the market is also better.With the development of the global economy, shipbuilding industry has been promoted the demand which is increasing as time flowing.Cargo ship changes from single hull bulk carriers into the double hull bulk carrier stage,To sum up, bulk carrier hull structure has also been improved. Single hull bulk carriers are in danger due to structural instability which may cause accidents. Therefore, the modern ship begin to take the double shell line.Furthermore,the shipyard and shipowners are fond of it for its stability and convenience.

    This article is designed by steel ships and in class construction specification (2006) to

    Study the structure specification. At the same time,exploring stage double hull structure and trending of multi-purpose cargo ship structure form; and writing 92500DWT bulk preparation of ship hull structure calculations and on the hull structure drawing cargo typical cross section, basic structure, typical transverse bulkhead structure diagram. At the same time, this article also introduced the the whole process of the ship design specification. The analysis of the characteristics of the ship structure can ultimately improve the reliability and stability of the structure, and to explain the rationality in this scheme .

    Key words:Bulk carrier ; Hull structure ; The design of Rules and Regurations; Structural characteristic; multi-purpose

     目   录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 散货船的现状与发展趋势 1

    1.2.1 散货船发展史 1

    1.2.2 散货船分类 2

    1.2.3 散货船现状 2

    1.2.4 散货船的发展趋势 3

    1.3 散货船的结构特点 5

    1.4 结构设计方法 6

    1.4.1 结构设计方法的选择 6

    1.4.2 结构规范设计的步骤 6

    1.5 研究目标和内容 6

    第二章 92500DWT远洋散货船船体结构规范设计计算 8

    2.1 说明

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