

    经过对船舶初步的研究和设计,本次木质仿古游船的主要数据如下:总长Loa=30m, 型宽B=16m,型深D=2.5m,吃水T=2m,片体长L=30m,片体宽B=4m,片体间距K=8m。



    Abstract This paper is inland wooden antique yacht design, the whole process mainly include: Research of wood ship and catamaran, determine the ship the main factors, draw the ship line drawings and general layout, calculation of ship hydrostatic, ship resistance estimation, 3D models, the main structure design and structure calculation. According to the design task book, considering sheet body standard, carries on the design to the main scale; by taking tourists activity space, marine equipment position, to the general layout design; in the main scale preliminary completed, general layout arrangement, application of 3D MAX on the ship were a 3D model production.

    After the preliminary study and design of the ship, the main data of this antique wooden boat are as follows: total length Loa=30m, width B=16m, depth D=2.5m, draft T=2m, length L=30m, width B=4m, slice spacing K=8m.

    This article belongs to the new type of design, materials, using wood materials, combined with bamboo Hong Zhen local intangible cultural heritage, with the policy of protection of traditional culture; second is that of a ship, using high performance ship catamaran style, with the local tourism projects, improve tourist viewing experience. The scheme design is not only conducive to the protection of wooden craft skills, but also conducive to the richness of wooden ship type, so that the shipyard has a better choice.

    Keywords: wooden vessels; catamaran; overall design; structure design


    第一章 绪论 1

      1.1 木质仿古游船研究背景 2

      1.2 木船的发展状况和一般特点 3

      1.3 双体船的发展状况和一般特点 3

      1.4 国内外研究现状和存在的问题 4

    第二章 主尺度的选择 7

      2.1 设计要求及设计任务书 7

        2.1.1 设计任务书 7

      2.2 主尺度的考虑的主要因素 7

      2.3 主尺度的确定 8

        2.3.1 船长、船宽的初步设定 8

        2.3.2设计吃水T的确定 8

        2.3.3型深D的确定 8

        2.3.4 片体尺度的选择

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