    摘   要  近年来,全球气候变暖导致极地冰川融化加剧,使极地海洋资源的开发利用成为可能,极地航道的开通逐渐成为人们研究的热点话题。在这样的背景之下,破冰船逐渐显示出其重要的价值,尤其是在开辟新航道、进行极地救援和物质运输等方面,扮演着重要角色。通过船首顶撞冰层的方式破冰是现代破冰船进行破冰的主要形式之一,基于这种破冰形式,本文对冰载荷作用下破冰船船首结构动态响应展开了研究。 本文以一艘 60.6 米长的破冰船为研究对象,通过显示动力分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA 建立有限元模型并模拟仿真破冰船的破冰过程,记录船首结构的碰撞力时历曲线图上最大碰撞应力的大小以及时刻,并分析其动态响应。具体研究工作如下: (1) 简要探讨极地航道的开发利用以及破冰船对此的重要意义,分析国内外对破冰船、冰体、以及船-冰碰撞的研究现状。 (2) 分析有限元法的理论知识,研究船-冰碰撞采取的材料模型及其参数设置,概述显示动力分析软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA 的使用方法。 (3)选取不同的工况进行对比分析。 (4)运用ANSYS模块建立有限元模型,并用LS-DYNA 模块对破冰船破冰过程进行模拟仿真,得到船首结构的碰撞力以及结构吸能等结果。 (5)分析冰载荷作用下破冰船船首结构动态响应。  58408
    Abstract   In recent years, global warming accelerates polar ice melting, the exploitation and utilization  of  polar marine resources  being  possible,  and  the  opening of the  polar waterway has become a focus of research. Icebreaker gradually shows its benefit  in this situation,  playing  a significant  role  especially in  the aspects of  exploring  new routes, Polar rescue and the transportation of material. Bow hitting ice is one of the main forms of modern icebreaker breaking ice,  based on which  the  structure dynamic response of icebreaker bow under ice load is studied in this paper.   With  a  60.6-metre-long  icebreaker  as  the  research object,  the  dynamic analysis software ANSYS/LS-DYNA  is used  to establish  finite element model and  display  the simulation of the ice breaking process of the icebreaker. Also, the maximum impact stress and time are analyzed on  the force-time curve of  the icebreaker bow, with  the structure dynamic response of which being analyzed. The main contents are listed as follows:   1. A  brief discussion  is made  on the polar route utilization and  the  significant  of icebreaker,  with  the research status  being analyzed  for icebreakers,  ice,  and  ship-ice collision at home and abroad.   2. The  theory of finite element method  is analyzed in this paper  and  the material model and its parameters settings of ship-ice collision are researched. Then the method of using the dynamic analysis software ANSYS/LS-DYNA is summarized. 3. The comparison and analysis of different working conditions are carried out. 4.  ANSYS  is used  to establish  finite element model,  and  LS-DYNA  is used  to simulate the process of icebreaker breaking ice, following which the impact stress and the internal energy of the bow structure are obtained. 5. The structure dynamic response of icebreaker bow under ice load is analyzed. 
    Keywords:  Icebreaker; ship-ice collision;  ice  load;  finite element method; dynamic response





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