    关键字:纳米化  抛丸机  弹丸  斗式提升机

    Title   The design of the hull’s welds nano-shot blasting machine and  the projectile recovery systems                                           

    With the rising level of technology,people are increasingly high quality requirements on surface quality of a variety of machinery products,common materials in the case of processing is difficult to satisfy the actual application requirement.It is particularly important for the surface treatment of the material,one of today’s most important means of surface treatment is the use of the shot-blasting machine for surface harding.As for the development present situation of the domestic shot-blasting strengthening technology,surface hardening of materials is generally difficult to achieve nanoscale,however,when the metal surface to achieve the nanoscale,the surface properties will greatly improve both the chemical properties and physical properties.
         This design is based on the basis of the framework of the shot- blasting machine.Through the analysis a variety of technical indicators of the shot-blasting machine,The design of the shot-blasting machine can enhanced the surface of metallic mayeials to nanoscale,and in today’s shot-blasting is main to strengthen the steel,but lack of enhanced treatment of the welds of molding machinery.The design is to make the ship hull steel welds’surface become nanoscale.

    Keywords : Nanocrystallization  Shot-Blasting Machine Projectile  Bucket elevator
     目        录

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  材料表面纳米化概述    1
    1.2  抛丸强化表面纳米化概述    1
    1.3  抛丸技术的历史与发展现状    1
    1.4  抛丸表面纳米化得应用前景    2
    1.5  研究内容与目的    2
    1.6  论文的组织结构    3
    2  总体方案的论证与设计    3
    2.1  需求分析    3
    2.2  总体方案的选择原则    4
    2.3  总体方案的设计及选择    4
    3  抛丸机设计    6
    3.1  抛丸机的传动    6
    3.2  弹丸的选用    7
    3.3  抛丸器的设计    7
    3.4  抛丸机电机选择    9
    3.5  主轴的尺寸计算与结构设计    10
    3.6  轴承选择及寿命校验    12
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