
    摘   要随着社会的进步和科学的发展,机器人产品在人们的工作环境中发挥着越来越重要的作用,机器人也就成为目前国内外研究的热点课题。六足爬行机器人作为机器人的一个分支,其运动具有较强的稳定性,故而在军事运输、天文探测等领域就具有重要的意义,因此在国内外六足机器人均得到了广泛研究。56696



    Abstract Along with society’s progress and development of science, the robot products in people’s work environment plays a more and more important role, the robot has become a research hot topic at home and abroad. Six foot crawl robot as a branch of the robot, the movement has strong stability. So in military areas such as transportation, astronomical detection is of great importance, so in six foot machine per capita widely at home and abroad.

    First of all, expounds the development and history of the robot. Second in the overall structure design, hardware circuit design, control system design and function extension this four aspects has made the detailed analysis and design. Respectively introduces the 51 series microcontroller, power supply module and related circuit diagram design, wireless remote control module, super god wave module and the robot's gait analysis and completed the software programming of robot control system.                        

    The practical application of the robot is able to walk on rough ground and obstacle environment, and to identify the source and, in some special cases, carries on the preliminary environmental detection and search. Finally, the paper puts forward for the perfection of crawl robot design and improvement, and the types of climbing robot and prospected its development.

    Keywords: Six-legged crawling robot; Single chip microcomputer; physical design

     Architectonics; Additional functional modules

    目    录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 机器人概述 1

    1.2 机器人分类 1

    1.3机器人的组成 2

    1.4国内外研究状况 3

    1.5此次设计的任务和主要内容 4

    第二章六足爬行机器人的机械机构 5

    2.1爬行机器人的驱动装置 5

    2.1.1微型伺服马达内部结构 5

    2.1.2微型伺服马达工作原理 5

    2.1.3伺服马达的控制 6

    2.1.4选用的伺服马达参数 6

    2.2六爪爬行机器人的设计与制作过程 7

    2.2.2运动构件设计 7

    2.2.3制作过程 7

    2.3 主单片机简介

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