



    The clutch is the main, driven part of the transmission of power or motion in the same axis, device with joint or separate function. In the process of moving vehicle, the driver may need pedal or release the clutch pedal, so that the engine and gearbox temporary separation and progressive joint, to cut off the engine or transmission to the transmission input power. Mainly includes the driving part, the driven part, a pressing mechanism and a control mechanism. The active part is: the flywheel, clutch cover and pressure plate; the driven part is driven disc; compacting mechanism is pressed spring operating mechanism; separation fork, release bearing, clutch and transmission parts. Cooperation mode and transmission mode of the clutch cover and the pedal of the main research topics in the clutch mechanism. Finally by the three-dimensional map to simulation, clearly shows that the various components of the role.

    Keywords: clutch, clutch mechanism, with the transmission, simulation.


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2仿真的起源 1

    1.2.1仿真最初起源于西方军事领域需求 1

    1.3仿真在国外仿真的发展方向 1

    1.3.1全数字三维全景仿真技术成为发展潮流 1

    1.3.2 远程学习、网络教育、在校教育、实验室模拟、微型实机操训有机结合成为培训方案的创新热点 1

    第二章  离合器的介绍与仿真意义 3

    2.1离合器的作用 3

    2.1.2实现平顺的换档 3

    2.1.3防止传动系过载 3

    2.2离合器的四大分类 4

    2.2.1电磁离合器 4

    2.2.2 磁粉离合器 5

    2.2.3 摩擦离合器 5

    2.2.4液力偶合器 6

    2.3机械仿真动画的作用与好处 6

    2.3.1维修维护手册 6

    2.3.2大型设备投标 7

    2.3.3抽象状态模拟 7

    2.3.4三维创新设计 7

    2.3.5虚拟工程现场 7

    2.3.6产品工业设计 8

    2.3.7超大设备展示 8

    2.3.8机械产品宣传 8

    2.3.9复杂设备拆解 8


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