
    摘要悬架是现代汽车上的重要总成之一。悬架系统是指车身、车架和车轮之间的一个连接结构系统,主要由弹簧、减振器和导向机构三大部分组成,其作用是传递作用在车轮和车架之间的力和力矩,并且缓冲由不平路面传给车架或车身的冲击力,并衰减由此引起的震动,以保证汽车能平顺地行驶 。56674


    毕业论文关键词:汽车悬架、控制策略、MATLAB/ simulink软件、仿真与分析

    Abstract Suspension is a modern car is one of the important assembly . Suspension system refers to a connection the structure of the system between body, frame and wheels , mainly composed by the springs, shock absorbers and guiding mechanism  of three parts, whose role is to pass the force and force twisted acting on the wheel and the frame , and  buffer impact which the uneven surface pass to the frame or body , and attenuation the resulting vibration to ensure the car can travel smoothly.

       This paper first describes the suspension system definition, development status at home and abroad as well as current suspension type. Then the suspension system of non-independent suspension, Independent suspension, semi-active suspension and active suspension four kinds of suspension types were introduced, analyzed four kinds of advantages and disadvantages of the suspension of the current application; choose this analysis simulation suspension type: semi-active suspension system. Then collect the control strategies the of current damping adjustable vehicle suspension : fuzzy control, adaptive control, neural network control, PID control, optimal control, sliding mode variable structure control, skyhook control, etc., and these control strategies are introduced and analysis; select the required analysis and simulation of this control strategy:fuzzy control, strategy and optimal control strategy. Subsequently thesis put PID control and skyhook control strategy under the control of semi-active suspension for mathematical modeling, and data set related to the initial conditions. This paper also introduced the required for the experiment simulation and analysis software MATLAB / simulate . Then using MATLAB software to establish simulate vehicle dynamics simulation block diagram and enter the relevant data simulation. Finally, the article analyzes the two control strategies under the semi-active suspension control strengths and weaknesses and suggest improvements, The simulation results indicate that optimal control is better than fuzzy control about 14%-25% on the acceleration decrease .At last the vehicle suspension control strategy for the future were discussed.

    Keywords:Adjustable suspension,control strategy, MATLAB,simulation and analysis


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