    Design of Two Parts and Shell-tube Heat Exchanger
    Abstract:The heat exchanger is a heat transfer between the material energy-saving equipment,are widely used in petroleum,chemical,metallurgy,electric power, light industry,food industry. In recent years,with the development of energy-saving technology,heat exchanger applications continues to expand,which has brought significant economic benefits. As the most common type of heat exchanger shell and tube heat exchanger,particularly suitable for high-temperature and high-pressure applications,and the ability for a variety of heat and mass transfer,the most flexibility. The materials used by the upper and lower two parts and tube heat exchanger design shift gas and semi-water gas,the main raw material for synthetic ammonia,the upper and lower parts and tube heat exchanger is used in the nitrogen fertilizer plant. By tube box,cylinder,tube plate,head,deflector plates,the heat transfer tubes and other component parts. The design of the overall program to determine the physical parameters determine; thermodynamic calculation,calculation of resistance; detailed structure design; strength check. The design has been selected parts of the design of the device,such as housing,tube box,tube sheet shell and tube heat exchanger baffles,rod,stiffening ring. Including design calculations,material selection,sizing to determine the specific location,tube sheet thickness calculation,opening reinforcement calculation. For the baffle plate and rod baffle computer numerical simulation analysis.
    KeyWords:shell and tube heat exchanger;design;numerical simulation
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 换热器的分类    1
    1.3发展管壳式换热器的节能意义原理    2
    1.4高效节能管壳式换热器在氮肥工业中的应用的意义    2
    1.5管壳式换热器技术中管束支撑方式的研究进展    3
    1.5.1板式支承结构的发展    3
    1.5.2螺旋折流板支撑结构    3
    1.5.3折流杆支撑结构    3
    1.5.4空心环支撑结构    4
    1.6管壳式换热器管程强化传热研究进展    4
    1.6.1螺旋槽管    4
    1.6.2横纹管    4
    1.6.3内插入物管    4
    1.6.4三文内肋管    5
    1.7 数值模拟技术在管壳式换热器中的应用    5
    1. 8高效节能管壳式换热器在氮肥工业中的应用    6
    2换热器设计计算    7
    2.1物性参数计算    7
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