




    In the 21st century, more and more people are paying attention to virtual machining,Virtual processing technology has also been accepted by the people because of its practical advantages of processing can not be replaced. To reduce the material consumption and improve the processing efficiency, Machinery processing enterprises confirmatory test procedures for processing ,They need to program optimization appropriateness. This requires us to be processed to obtain the final processing results in a virtual processing environment. Today, there are many kinds of CNC machining simulation software, VERICUT taken seriously as a leader in simulation software. 

    This article create a virtual machining environment by using VERICUT simulation software, Optimize the machining process using software brought their own optimization module. First, This article will introduce CNC machining technology and the development of simulation At home and abroad, In order to understand the virtual machining simulation technology Better;Secondly, Introduce VERICUT CNC simulation software as well as the process of creating its processing environment; Then, Introduce processing environment design process detailiy,Create tool in VERICUT, Actual machine as a template, And define the corresponding control system,(Modify the corresponding text addresses variables and defined G code), Custom the appropriate numerical subroutine(ATC procedures). Finally, Appropriate optimization for machining path and tool parameters In the process instance, Modify the NC program,to achieve the purpose of improving the NC program.

    Keywords: CNC machining; Virtual Machine; simulation process; tool path simulation; subroutine.


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1课题的研究背景 1

    1.2虚拟机床简介 1

    1.3 课题的研究现状与发展趋势 2

    1.3.1国外研究的现状 2

    1.3.2国内研究的现状 3

    1.3.3目前存在的问题 3

    1.3.4发展趋势 3

    1.4课题研究的内容和实用价值 3

    1.5本章小结 4

    第二章  系统总体方案设计

  1. 上一篇:AYSYS表面微结构刀具强度的有限元分析
  2. 下一篇:SolidWorks无人艇复合材料自动铺放装置设计+CAD图纸
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  3. QCS014液压实验台的改造+CAD图纸+程序

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