




     Abstract Nc machine tools are moving faster, higher precision and higher efficiency in the direction of development, which must requires high machining performance of machine tool and machine tool as a whole is very light in weight[1]. Lathe bed is the most important parts of the machine tool. The structure and the performance will directly influent the performance of the machine tool processing. The structure of the machine tool performance are mainly static characteristics, dynamic characteristics and thermal characteristic, etc. With the change of the dynamic characteristics of lathe bed vibration influence is very big. In this paper, we study the structure of CA6140 lathe bed performance can be optimized on the basis of modal analysis.

    In this article, parts modeling module of machine tool is used to establish the three-dimensional model of lathe bed in the 3D modeling software Pro/E based on the drawings. We will construct a good 3D model is imported into the finite element analysis software ANSYS, established finite element model of lathe bed, then the stress analysis was carried out on the bed. Saddle lathe bed is the main source of stress. Through force analysis of the bed saddle and lathe bed, can be built from the mechanics model of the lathe bed. Using finite element analysis software ANSYS, the optimized analysis module, the CA6140 lathe bed for modal analysis and finite element structural optimization.

    This article Uses the method of combining the scientific calculation and practical experience. Analogy of similar lathe bed structure and on the basis of finite element analysis of the data optimize the structure of the bed.

    After taking analysis and structure optimization on structure finite element of CA6140 lathe bed, we reduce the body's overall volume, save the bed materials and bed material stiffness, strength and natural frequency index has also been improved to varying degrees. At the same time makes the design and production of other types of machine tool has a more rich theoretical basis.

    Key words:lathe bed; Stiffness; The finite element analysis; Structure optimization 


    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外的研究现状 1

    1.2.1  国内的研究现状 1

    1.2.2  国外的研究现状

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