



    Abstract This paper introduces a simple design of a new underwater propulsion machinery fish in the new era. Robot technology advances make it possible to develop the underwater propulsion in the 21st century and it has successfully attracted the attention of the elite in various fields. It can be supposed that robotic fish will make it a favorite underwater propulsion sector for high efficiency, low noise, low pollution features.

    Currently, almost all of underwater propulsion is made by propeller, this underwater propulsion simulated from the really fish must be swim faster and quieter than it of the propeller. The swing mechanism design of the empennage module to the underwater propulsion based on a simple four-bar linkage mechanism. Advancing movement of robotic fish can be realized with the ductile material fish tail. Fish tail fast swing side of its body to achieve the rotary movement of machine fish. Piston cylinder absorb and exhaust water to achieve the rise and descend movement and the design of the rise and descend module ingenious combine two commonly methods (change the center of gravity or changing quality)together to make the mode persification. Here research results of the feasibility of the design by pro / e simulation software.

    Keywords: Intelligent robotic fish; efficiency; four bar linkage; up and down module; simulation

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2国外发展情况 2

    1.3国内发展概况 3

    第二章 机器鱼仿生学基础 5

    2.1机器鱼运动机理及参数描述 5

    2.2升潜运动 6

    2.3尾鳍运动 7

    2.3.1 推进运动 7

    2.3.2 转向运动 8

    第三章 智能机器鱼运动学模型初步建立及力分析 10

    3.1智能机器鱼运动学模型初步建立 10

    3.2 运动学简要分析 13

    3.3机器鱼的阻力及推力分析 14

    3.3.1 阻力分析 15

    3.3.2 推力分析 15

    第四章 智能机器鱼的结构设计 17

    4.1智能机器鱼本体结构的设计思想 17

    4.2尾鳍单元设计 18

    4.2.1 尾鳍部分

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