



    Abstract When the equipment manufacturing industry increasingly developed today, as the CNC machine tool equipment manufacturing base becomes more and more important in industry. Now the rapid development of science and technology, makes the competition between countries  increasingly fierce, the importance of the equipment manufacturing industry of the national economy and national defense is more prominent, therefore, the survival and development of CNC machine tools with excellent processing performance and high stability research and development of the whole country will produce major effect. But the ram as part of the lathe is very important, processing capability and machining accuracy of the entire lathe plays a vital role in the. Machine ram is connected with the spindle box and the beam, is a key component of boring and milling machining center, the machining precision, dynamic and static stiffness, dynamic and static mechanics performance directly affects the machining accuracy of the machining center, precision stability and resistance to vibration.

    This paper is mainly about the design and finite element analysis of ram part mechanism of sliding cylinder vertical CNC lathe. Ram is a very important part in the vertical lathe, connected by a knife and tool slide. Drives the ram to do linear motion in the vertical direction through the motor and screw nut mechanism, and through the carriage and the ball screw is connected with the fixed beams, and beams along the fixed horizontal linear motion, in order to carry out the workpiece machining. The paper determines the ram shape and material through the processing parameters, and by calculating the choice of screw and motor type and the transmission gear selection design.

    Keywords: CNC vertical lathe; ram; design;  element analysis.

    目  录

    第一章 绪论1

    1.1 研究背景1

    1.2 机床结构设计和有限元分析的国内外研究现状4

    1.3 本课题的研究内容和研究方法4

    1.4 本文的主要内容4

    第二章 大型缸套专用立式车床滑枕组件的结构设计-5


      2.2 确定滑枕组件的总体布局5

    2.2.1 丝杠的合理选择5

    2.2.2 电机的选择9

    2.2.3 传动齿轮的设计和校核-10

      2.3 本章小结-13

    第三章 大型缸套专用立式车床滑枕组件三维CAD建模-14

      3.1 CAD的概述14

    3.1.1 计算机辅助设计的基本概念及内容-14

    3.1.2 计算机辅助设计的发展-15

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