





    Three-dimensional solid modeling  and motion simulation of  the multi-stage centrifugal blower are performed in this paper,and the static analysis of the multi-stage centrifugal blower’s rotating spindle is performed by ANSYS.

    Firstly, three-dimensional solid modeling  of the main parts of the multi-stage centrifugal blower are performed by three-dimensional modeling software Pro/E,including impellers, bearings, front disc, rear disc, rotating spindle and other components, and the virtual assembly of the main parts  of the multi-stage centrifugal blower are completed under Pro/E environment. We should note that the assembly methods of the rotating shaft are connected by a pin to ensure that the rotating spindle can spin. The multi-stage centrifugal blower should be checked the global interference by Pro/E to ensure that the assembly line with the corresponding requirements. 

    Then the movement of the multi-stage centrifugal blower is simulated through the motion simulation function of the Pro/E and users can be more intuitive to see the work principle of the multistage centrifugal blower and its internal movement process, thus greatly shortening the design development cycle of the multi-stage centrifugal blower, reduce production cost and enhance the competitiveness of the enterprises and their products in the market. 

    Finally, the static analysis of the multi-stage centrifugal blower’s rotating spindle is performed by the finite element analysis software ANSYS, then users can see the force of the rotating spindle more directly by analyzing the results.

    Keywords: Multistage centrifugal blower; three-dimensional modeling; virtual assembly; Motion Simulation

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 风机介绍 1

    1.2 研究的目的及意义 2

    1.3 多级离心风机的发展与研究现状 2

    1.4 三维建模软件Pro/E概述 3

    1.5 本文的主要工作内容 5

    第二章 多级离心风机的零件建模 7

    2.1 多级离心风机叶轮的创建 7

    2.2 多级离心风机前盘的创建 11

    2.3 多级离心风机后盘的创建 14

    2.4 多级离心风机中盘的创建

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