




    Abstract  Ship's power is generated by the rotation of the propeller in ship construction, the quality of the propeller installation is extremely important, whether related to the long-term normal driving the ship. The propeller keyway machining accuracy is directly related to the propeller mounting accuracy is related to propeller operation safety and reliability.

    This paper introduces the propeller bore keyway principle of special machine tools, workflow. The design of the machine drive system, and is one of the key components of checking calculation to ensure accurate and reliable results. The results showed that the design of the successful completion of the design task.

    Design of special machines can process arbitrary propeller taper bore keyway, and has high precision, small machining large workpieces advantages. Has some practical value. 

    Keywords: Propellers; Keyway;Taper

    目  录

    第一章  绪 论 1

    1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2 螺旋桨安装方式 1

    1.3常见内孔键槽加工方法及缺点 2

    1.4机床设计需要考虑的问题 12

    第二章 机床工作原理 14

    2.1机床机构简图及工作原理 14

    2.2机床工作流程 14

    2.3传动系统的组成 15

    2.4传动链误差分析 15

    第三章  液压系统设计 17

    3.1 概述 17

    3.2 设计参数 17

    3.3 主运动液压缸设计 17

    3.3.1负载分析 17

    3.3.2 主运动液压缸在各工作阶段的负载 18

    3.3.3 主运动液压缸负载图和速度图绘制 19

    3.3.4 主运动液压缸主要参数选择及计算 19

    3.3.5 主运动液压缸在各工作阶段的压力,流量,功率 22

    3.3.6主运动液压缸流量图、压力图及功率图绘制 23

    3.4 进给液压缸设计 24

    3.4.1 负载分析 24

    3.4.2 进给运动液压缸在各工作阶段的负载 24

    3.4.3 进给运动液压缸主要参数选择及计算 24

    3.4.4 进给液压缸在各工作阶段的压力,流量,功率

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