


    Abstract   Malt root machine is a very major operation in the malt production process of special machines, the root device is largely determined by the root device, throttle, exhaust, frame, transmission system, scattered into device components. Malt root in the contains victims impurities and flavor bitter, effect beer of taste and color, needs will its dropped, with traditional method root, has to root not full and will injury malt of defects, and traditional method compared to, this machine in root of while not damage malt, its model unique of spiral blade not only can thoroughly root, and also has axis to promote role, improve has productivity.    This task main around malt root machine of structure and the drive system carried out has analysis design, on malt root machine of overall programme, and with drive and chain drive, and spindle, parts for has design, whole drive system main is using with round, and sprocket and axis to passed movement and power, so on with drive of related parameter requirements for has design calculation and on axis of structure strength for design and check. Due to limited time and information, lack of parametric design, only the root has three different types of modeling, lists the different models of root parameter selection. 

    Key words: transmission system ;spiral blades;;propeller;;mixing device

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 课题研究现状 2

    1.2.1国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.2国内外研究水平 2

    1.3 麦芽除根机的功能及应用 3

    1.4 设计目的 4

    1.5 设计内容 4

     第二章 麦芽除根机传动方案的设计 5

    2.1 总体方案 5

    2.1.1 软件平台 6

    2.2电动机的选择 7

    2.2.1选择电动机的结构和类型 7

    2.2.2  计算并确定电动机功率 8

    2.2.3  确定电动机转速 8

    2.2.4  确定电动机的型号 8

    2.3 分配传动比 9

    2.3.1  总传动比

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