
    摘要随着近代工业技术的高度发展,传动系统传递的功率不断增大,齿轮转速不断加快,齿轮系统的振动和噪声成为一个突出的问题,其振动噪声不仅影响工作人员的工作条件和船舶的隐蔽性,对船舶的工作性能也有的影响。齿轮系统是由齿轮、轴、轴承和箱体等组成的机械系统。齿轮由于其自身的制造误差和安装误差,在啮合过程中会引起周期性的加速分离或加速啮合,导致齿与齿之间的撞击,引起齿轮振动。齿轮的振动又会引起轴的振动,并通过轴承将振动传递给齿轮箱`[6]。大多数研究是讨论单对齿轮振动情况,本文讨论的是两对同时啮合的齿轮系,并把发动机、齿轮系及负载设备作为一个系统来研究。选择先进的多学科高级建模和仿真软件ITI Simulation X作为平台,建立船用柴油发电机组齿轮系统模型,分析各种因素对该系统振动的影响。本文对船用柴油发电机组齿轮系统进行动力学理论分析,并建立了3D模型;基于Simulation X软件建立相应的系统模型;考虑内部激励和外部激励因素,仿真分析其对系统振动的影响。50230



    With the rapid development of modern industrial technology, power transmission drive system is increasing, speeds of gear continues to accelerate, makes the vibration and noise of gear system an important problem. The vibration and noise not only affects the working conditions and the hidden nature of the ship, but also has impact on the ship's performance。Gear system is a mechanical system consists of gear, shaft, bearing and box body. Due to its own manufacturing and installation errors, Gear cause cyclical acceleration separation or engagement in the process of meshing, lead to collision between tooth and tooth, finally causes vibration. The vibration will in returns cause the vibration of the shaft, and be passed to the gear box by the bearings. Most of the current research is to establish dynamic equation with a single gear meshing, while this paper considers two pair of meshing gears and treats the engine, gear transmission and the load device as a system to study. In view of the above situation, this paper choose the advanced multi-disciplinary modeling and simulation software ITI SimulationX as the platform, modeling gear system of diesel generator in marine, discusses and analysis the influence of various factors on the vibration and noise of the system.

    Keywords: Diesel generator; Gear system ;  Excitation;  Vibration ; SimulationX 

    目   录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2国内外的发展及现状 2

    1.3课题研究的主要内容 4

    第二章 船用柴油发电机组齿轮系统建模 6

    2.1 系统原理 6

    2.2柴油机和发电机选型 6

    2.3 齿轮系统设计 7

    第三章 振动理论分析 10

    3.1 基本分析 10

    3.2 纯扭转振动模型及计算 10

    3.3考虑时变刚度的扭转振动模型及计算 12

    3.4考虑柔性安装及轴承的参数激励振动系统 13

    3.4.1 弹性安装原理 13

    3.4.2 横—扭耦合振动模型及计算 15

    第四章  基于SimulationX的船用柴油发电机组齿轮系统的建立

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